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"So, I'm assuming your men shot the wolf."
"That would be us, yes. No one seemed to notice our presence yet."
"Don't worry, we noticed. We were waiting for you to finally show your face."
"I see... Two things can happen, one; we shoot you with gold and then make our way to the rest of you, or two; you kill us first."
"I think I have a better idea."
"What possibly could be the third option? I don't see any way both sides are getting out of what's to come."
"Who said anything about us being on separate sides?"
"Are you suggesting we work together?"
"Why not? You don't want us dead, you want Hongjoong. We can help you, but only if we get Eunha."
"The girl?"
"She's not a girl, she's a woman."
"So what? We work together and the two of you stab us in the back?"
"No, we just want her. Everyone else doesn't matter."
"Okay, deal. But if you act in anyway against me, she dies."

     Eunha revealed herself to the boys the next day, Yeosang and San were nowhere to be found and Hongjoong was still gone. Jongho was already staring at her when she walked into the common room, seated on the sofa beside of Mingi.
     Yunho was seated in the chair across from them, attention caught when both her and Seonghwa walked in. Wooyoung was out of his seat and on her, giving her a hug and jumping. "I'm so happy for you two!"
     The human let him hug her, confused by his reaction. "You're not mad?"
     "No, none of us are. Maybe Yeosang because he's a hopeless romantic that won't make any moves." Jongho slapped the back of Mingi's head from his comment.
     Seonghwa stepped around Eunha and exited the room, his hand grazed across her shoulder and left him lingering even when he was gone. "What about San?"
     "San is always mad about something." Jongho stood up and walked towards her, pushing Wooyoung out of the way; who in turn slapped his back before strolling back to his seat. "We already talked about sharing you, and you don't have any complaints I hope?"
     Eunha didn't reply and instead looked down sheepishly, shaking her head as a no. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her. She hugged him back, laying her head on his shoulder.
Seoho entered the room, catching her gaze. He looked away immediately, Seonghwa walking in behind him. "Hongjoong will be back in a few days."
Eunha straightened up at the mention of her mate. Jongho let go of her and she turned to the wolf. "How is he?"
     "If you're asking if I told him you're married, no I didn't." There was something in Seoho's voice, a bit of snarky.
     "No, I asked if he was okay." She bit back but the wolf still didn't look at her.
     "He keeps beating himself up about hurting you while you're out screwing the rest." All heads snapped to the wolf and Seonghwa was about to intervene.
    "No, let him speak, he obviously has something to say. So go ahead." Eunha was surprised but she pressed on, the wolf finally turning in her direction. "If you're jealous, that's fine because it's your problem. It probably goes against your wolfie code but so does you interfering."
"You're right, it's not normal. Nothing about any of this is normal. They're all passing you around like a whore, claiming they love you. Eunha, listen to me," This time Yunho stood up, all vampires were eyeing the wolf that stepped towards Eunha. She gave him a look and he glanced at her, understanding but staying alert to the wolf's movements. "One wrong move or slip and they can severely hurt you. I've seen what vampires can do when they lose control. You don't want that to be you."
     "I trust them." All eyes were on her now. "But I trust your judgement too. I know you're only worried about my well-being but I can take care of myself."
     "Eunha you can't stop them. You couldn't stop Hongjoong." Seonghwa took a step towards Seoho, he had enough of the wolf talking.
     "I thought you said you aren't allowed to intervene." Seoho turned to face the tall vampire, Yunho at his side.
     "I'm not, but you're going to hurt her. And like Hongjoong, you won't be able to forgive yourself." Seoho backed away, giving a glance at Eunha before leaving the room.
     She watched him leave, his words sticking in her brain and making her stomach queasy. San appeared after he left the doorway, glancing back at the wolf. "Well, that was interesting."
     "He's just jealous-" Seonghwa cut off Mingi, eyes not leaving Eunha; who looked at him.
     "He's not wrong. Wooyoung and Jongho have both almost drained her. San can't keep his anger in check. We may not intentionally do it, but we have and can hurt her." Seonghwa looked down at the floor, the other vampires were watching him. Eunha walked towards him and grabbed his face.
     "If I wanted to leave, would you let me?" He raised his gaze, meeting hers. His heart broke but he answered honestly.
     "I don't care about anything but your happiness. I'll give you whatever you want, even if it meant I lose you."
     "Well this is me not leaving. Because I choose to. I'm not going anywhere, not any of you could make me leave." Seonghwa wrapped his arms around her and embraced her. "I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't mean it." He kissed her head and pulled her closer to him.
"Good, because I'm not letting you go." San left after he spoke, leaving a smile on her face.
     Silence filled the room, she was still pressed against Seonghwa, listening to the faint pump in his chest. "Like you said, I like the way you hurt me. And we have Mingi to heal me."
Seonghwa pulled away and gave her a peck on the lips. "Think you could let Yunho feed?"
Eunha turned towards the tallest vampire, giving him a smirk. "Come on, big boy." She walked towards him, grabbing his hand and leading him away.
Wooyoung watched them, biting his lip. The oldest vampire gave him a look, a sinister smile on his face. "I guess it's game for whoever asks next."
Eunha dragged the vampire to his room but didn't get to shut the door because he shoved them toward the bed, covering her entire frame. "You're full of surprises, sweetheart."
"It happens. I feel like a new woman." Her hand slipped up his shirt and skimmed over his abs.
     "Seoho said you're body will feel like it's changing because of the mark."
     "Let's not talk about him, right now." She kept him from talking by connecting their lips together, feeling him press her down into the mattress.
Yunho pulled away and trailed along her jawline before down her neck. He gave her a few neck kisses before piercing the flesh with his fangs. A wave of euphoria crashed into her, her hand in his shirt wrapped around his back and sank her nails into the skin.
He held her other arm down on the bed, slowly drinking from her. A few moans left her mouth and she felt the euphoria engulf her. His other hand grabbed her hip and ground his own against her.
He pulled away when he had his fill, staring down at her clouded eyes. "You're amazing. Absolutely stunning." Her cheeks flashed red and the tips of her ears burned. "I'd do anything for you."

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