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Eunha was very angry. How dare San take her ring off and steal it? When it doesn't belong to him. Maybe this was his payback for her touching his journal, but she didn't steal it.
She stomped to her room, opening the bag she had filled with their gifts. She grabbed his, the heaviest one of all. She was tired of his previous behavior and confusing ways. That was their purpose, but now she had more reason to use these on him. If San wasn't giving her the ring back, she was taking it from him.
Hiding it wouldn't be the problem, but getting it on him before he fights back is the issue. The cold material iced her hand before she hid them in her back pocket.
When she arrived at his room, where she hoped she would find him, and opened the door without a word or knock. He already knew she was there, he could hear her heart racing in anticipation.
San was standing in the middle of his room, waiting for her when she closed it behind her. He didn't say anything, and neither did she.
Instead Eunha rushed to him and jumped onto him, mashing their faces together. He didn't get a chance to read her mind to foresee her purpose or intentions, he was able to grab onto her and support her.
The force of her crashing into him, sent them hurdling back. He fell with his back to the mattress, pulling her with him. His tongue was in her mouth before he even touched the bed, hands crawling on her body.
She pulled away, staring down at him. San followed her, raising himself on his elbows, and locking their lips once again.
Eunha pushed him back. "San-"
The vampire was dead set on having his tongue in her mouth, not giving her a chance to speak. "San-"
"Shut up, I'm not stupid. This is just a cover for you to get the ring back." He wrapped a hand around her throat and lurched her forward. His grip kept her from going anywhere, she instead melted into the kiss and let him fill her mouth with his salivated tongue.
San rolled them over, trapping her under him. He finally released her mouth and attacked her jaw with bites. "Okay.. fine.. I was going to do something for you.. in return for the ring. And I promise to not wear it around you.." Moans slipped past her words as he trailed down her neck.
"Like what?"
"I want to ride you. You don't have to do anything.. I'll do it all for you.." San slowly pulled away and lifted his head to meet her gaze.
"Fine.." The vampire rolled them back over, propping himself against the headboard. She stared at it for a moment before mashing their lips together again.
     San had a firm grip on her hips, she took that as her chance to slide the item out of her pocket. She slapped one around his wrist before shoving them to the headboard, locking both wrists against one of the metal loops.
     San stared at the golden cuffs, with leather bands lining the inside. "What is this?"
     "Your restraint. I can't punish you if you're the one in charge." Eunha crawled off of him slowly, getting off the bed.
"You think you're smart, but you have to let me out of these eventually." The playful look San was wearing earlier was long gone, replaced with a cold dead glare.
She knew that already, but for the time being he was under her control, not the other way around. "That maybe true, but I'm going to love torturing you until then."
"Eunha," Her heart thumped in her chest, he was mad enough to use her name instead of the usual condescending 'darling'. "You're playing a nasty game."
"Shut your mouth and enjoy the show." San watched her begin to remove her clothes, being sure to take her time. The erection in his pants were evident, it was standing straight up, trapped by the fabric wrapped tightly around his hips.
"It's kind of hard to undress me if I'm chained to the fucking bed." Eunha gave him a knowing smirk, getting up on the bed to straddle his waist. She made sure her core was pressed against his obvious boner.
He snapped up in a flash, but the cuffs kept him from going far. His face was inches from hers now, his heavy breathing clogging her senses. "Who said anything about me pleasuring you?"
His scent hit her full swing. She never paid much attention to it, because it was always faint and she could never get enough to point it out.
For some reason it was far stronger, she almost choked from how intense it was.
San smelled like a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg, and a deep earthy scent. She hadn't smelled this before, and couldn't point out the exact scent.
The gold made a loud clanging noise against the metal, she felt her insides jump but she kept her composure. "So all of this for the ring?"
"Actually no, I bought them for you when Seonghwa took me to the village. My intended use was to finally get you to talk rather than run away or convince one of the others to fuck me." She could feel his cock throbbing against her, fighting it's confines. "Now I just want to torture you a little bit, for once."
"Awe, you want me to talk about my feelings?" He made a pouty face and altered his voice.
"I want you to be honest with me. You're not good at hiding that you're lying. I know you-" San snapped against the cuffs again, trying to get as close to her as he can.
"You don't fucking know me."
"I know you well enough to know when you're fucking lying." Eunha grabbed the underside of his jaw. "Just tell me. Why are you so scared to just tell me?!"
San laughed maniacally, before returning to the harsh stare. "You're lucky if I don't butcher you when these come off."
"I tried to do it the easy way." Eunha scooted herself backwards, laying towards the end of the bed. She was now mirroring the vampire, sitting back on one elbow while her other hand started to play with one of her tits. She rubbed the perked nipple with her index finger.
Her eyes didn't break from the vampire, who was almost shaking in rage. His jaw was clenched so tight, his jawline could slice her throat. She let a moan roll out of her mouth, before her hand crawled down her stomach and immediately found her clit.
She started a slow pace to build herself up before she increased it. More moans started coming out as she felt her orgasm begin to climb higher. She stopped it halfway and slipped two fingers inside of herself, pumping before finding the spot that made her falter for a moment.
She kept her eyes open, no matter how hard it was for her not to throw her head back in pleasure, wanting to see his face. "Decisions, decisions.."
San spoke in a low growl. "What?" She began to grow closer to release, bucking her hips, barely catching his response.
"I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do to you when I break out of these." Eunha took a second to register his words, they didn't make sense because he can't break out of them.
She didn't get a chance to respond, San jerked his hands forward and the restraints broke instantly. Eunha froze in her place, high leaving immediately as she tried to comprehend what just happened.
"Next time, test to make sure it's real gold, darling."

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