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     Yeosang and Eunha strolled along the outside path that took them through the hedges and out into the forest on a trail. "What were you gonna show me?"
     "There's a beautiful waterfall down this path, I used to take Jongho here when he was young." Eunha looked at Yeosang, who noticed and look back at her.
     "When he was first turned?"
     "No, before then, he was only fourteen when I first brought him." Eunha's eyebrows knitted together, Yeosang seen her confusion and decided to explain. "It was only about five years after we took over this place, Wooyoung was still a young vampire and having a lot of trouble controlling his frenzy. One day we came back from hunting and we came across a baby left alone in a cave nearby, Wooyoung with his new senses heard it before any of us, we thought he was gonna immediately kill the poor thing, but instead he picked it up and hugged it close." Yeosang smiled at the memory.
     "The baby was Jongho?" Eunha asked, already figuring it out.
     "Yes, we don't know why, when, or how he was left there but we took him and raised him, Seonghwa was known for his cooking already so he was able to feed him and help us care for him. We turned him into an excellent warrior and gave him the choice to choose between being a human or a vampire. Around the time we found him, which we guessed was when he was born, was his twenty second birthday, he asked us to turn him, so Hongjoong did. Wooyoung has been trying to help him with his frenzy side, but Jongho doesn't have a cute baby to pull him into his senses." Yeosang sighed, looking down at the ground.
     "I'm glad he had you guys, if he wasn't found he would have died out there. He's lucky to have you all." Eunha smiled, looking forward to see a waterfall in the distance, her ears picking up the water crashing down.
     "Looks like we're here. Come on, race you there!" Yeosang took off, using his human speed.
     "Yah! That's not fair!" She immediately chased after him, trying to catch up but for his human speed he was still faster than her. She got there, gasping for air as she placed her hands against her knees.
     "It's beautiful isn't it?" Eunha stared at the breathtaking scenery, smiling to herself and she stood up straight.
      "It's magnificent."

     "Why did you turn? I mean... how did you become a vampire?" Eunha asked, not sure if she was stepping in thin ice or not.
     "It's kind of a long story, are you sure you want to hear it?" Yeosang kicked his feet in the water, looking over at Eunha who was staring down into the water. She looked at him and nodded, keeping her feet out of the water so she didn't get hypothermia.
     "If you want to tell me, I'll listen."
     "I was born into a family of vampire hunters. I was raised from a very young age to despise and kill vampires. When I came of age I decided not to follow in their foot steps, I didn't want to kill anyone, vampire or not. I loved books, I loved reading, I liked the peace and quiet. So I opened up my own library, for anyone who loved the same." Yeosang looked at her, she was looking at him with a curious look.
      "One day a man walked into my library and asked if I had a certain book, I gave it to him and he disappeared into the back. Not even thirty minutes later he comes back and tells me he wanted another book similar. It was the fastest I'd ever seen anyone read. I just so happen to love the book he had read and we sparked up conversation and I gave him some recommendations."
     "I'm assuming you're talking about one of the others. Did you know he was a vampire?" Eunha asked.
     "It was Seonghwa, and I had my assumptions but I never had any hard evidence about it. He kept coming back each week until he ended up bringing his two friends, Joong and Yunho. I learned they were pirates fighting overseas but they were stopped here to rest and recover from their previous battle. One night I accidentally came across Seonghwa feeding on someone, but I wasn't afraid because I knew how to defend myself but also I knew if they wanted to kill or eat me they would have done it weeks prior. That's when I was sure they were vampires." Yeosang explained to her, waiting to see if she had a question.
     "My family caught wind of vampires being in the village so they made me recruit with them. I didn't want them to think I knew said vampires or that I was covering for them so I went willingly. It was going great until we actually caught them, but I intentionally fucked up the mission. If I hadn't, they would have killed them. Luckily they got away and weren't harmed, but my family found out I 'sympathized' with vampires and.." Yeosang stopped, Eunha barely heard the crack in his voice but for his sake she ignored it. Her hand rested on his hand as he stared down at the water.
     "You don't have to continue, I don't have to know."
      "No, it's okay. It was so long ago I've gotten over it but it was still hard. My own father stabbed me and they left me to die. Hongjoong stayed behind and heard everything, he came and saved me by changing me. I knew I could never see my family again so I left with them and joined their crew. Ever since then I realized they were the only family I needed." Yeosang smiled, gripping her hand in his.
     "That's beautiful, Yeosang. I'm sorry your family betrayed you like that but I'm glad you found a better family." Hearing him talk about Seonghwa, the way he acted was nothing like he was now, but maybe it was just because he truly didn't like her.
     "We should head back, it's about to get dark." Yeosang pulled his feet from the water and stood up, grabbing his boots and helping her up as well. "Let's go."

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