one-hundred eight;

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When Mingi returned he found the human gone. Fear flooded his senses and he began frantically searching for her. He checked everywhere, even under the bed, listening for her breaths or heart beat but he found nothing, even her scent was faint.
Yunho was still fighting with the shorter blonde vampire, shoving him into the room behind Mingi, both eyes finding him panicked.
"She's gone."
"What do you mean she's gone?!" San was about to launch towards Mingi but Yunho snatched ahold of his shirt and yanked him backwards.
"She's not here! She's not in this room!" Yunho left, dragging San with him.
"Both of you go look for her, I'm getting Seonghwa."

After San had stormed out of the room—finding out what really happened between them—and Mingi following trying to stop him, Eunha was left alone in the room.
She was draped with a wave of emotions when memories of her family flooded her mind. Her heart ached in her chest and no matter how horrific it was to watch that happen over and over in her head, that wasn't Yeosang.
He was the only one who put her first, her pleasure, her safety, her needs, her wants, her desires.
It kept repeating in her head.
That wasn't him. That wasn't him. That wasn't him. That. Wasn't. Him.
Eunha got off the bed and put on one of Seonghwa's long cloaks, and sneaked her way out of the room and down the stairs before slipping out the front doors.
She could hear the screaming and slamming coming from San, she didn't want anything to happen to Yeosang but she needed to leave. She needed to get out.
The human raced out back to the stables and jumped on the black stallion, steering it away from the castle and into the dark forest.
She couldn't see and didn't even know where she was going, she just went with it. Her hands were tightly grasped in its mane, her own hair flying in the wind.
It didn't take her much longer before she made it her destination. It was a village, darkened from the lack of lighting, being it was very late into the night.
They circled the village perimeter before making it to a grave yard. She got off the horse and tied him to the nearby tree, patting his neck before walking towards the grave markings.
There were four still slightly fresh plots, all side by side. She dropped to her knees in front of them and weeped silently. "I'm sorry... it was all my fault. I'll never forgive myself. You paid for my negligence and stupidity."
She stared at the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks. "You were my everything and I took it for granted for a heartless monster, a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. Momma you raised me to always see through them, but he hid his seams too well. I'm so sorry.."
Eunha sat there for a long time, crying out all her tears, eventually laying down beside of them. She had calmed, faced slightly chapped from the cool night air. "I hope you can forgive me, so I can forgive myself."
The sad human didn't expect an answer and of course she didn't receive one. But deep down she felt a relief roll off her shoulders and disintegrate in the wind.
A smile creeped on her face. "You probably already know, but I fell in love with eight vampires. You're probably mad at me for it, but they're different. Yes they're bad people, but none of them have hidden their wolf claws. I have someone to trust, to fall back on. Maybe I'll be like them one day, or maybe I'll get to grow old with my princes'."
There was a silent hope that they would understand, but also she knows them and they probably wouldn't, and then there's the fact they aren't listening or even know what is happening with her life.
Maybe they never blamed her and it was all just the self guilt.

Everyone in the castle was frantically searching for the human, everyone except Yeosang.
He didn't have to search for her. He knew exactly where she went. He composed himself and didn't even have to sneak out, everyone was already gone.
The vampire found her where he knew he would, her old village. The horse she had taken was grazing on the fresh growing grass at the tree line.
She laid on the ground, staring up at the star filled sky. He didn't even know what to say to her, he just needed to know she was safe.
If she got caught here again, they would kill her.
Yeosang slowly grew closer, thinking of how to make his presence known without startling her. He resorted to clearing his throat.
Eunha turned her gaze to the other person, finding Yeosang. Her mind flashed to his other face. She shook it away but didn't look away.
"Can I lay with you?"
The human didn't say anything but she nodded her head towards the vampire. He didn't hesitate to lay parallel with her, heads facing each other.
"I'm sorry. I can't.. I can't tell you how sorry I am.. I can't say it wasn't me because it was. That is apart of me, and I can't hide it from you. I won't make excuses, I'm not trying to. Nothing justifies what I did-"
"Stop." Her voice was but a whisper. He immediately shut his mouth and swallowed the ball in his throat.
It grew quiet, only the sounds of nature surrounding them, with the occasional crunch of grass breaking from the horse chewing, to the soft tap of a nearby barn door hitting the frame as the wind played its dance.
"Isn't it peaceful?"
Yeosang was surprised by her words, taking a moment before he answered. "Yes, it's very peaceful."
"I'm glad you're here."
"You are? But why?"
"I want you to see this place, now I can go here whenever I want."
Yeosang sat up and stared down at her, their eyes meeting. "Absolutely not. I'll never use my flair on you again, not after I hurt-"
Eunha sat up too, turning her body to face him. "You didn't hurt me."
The vampire looked at her like she was crazy, too dumbfounded to even question her response.
"I know, it seems stupid. But I needed a push to get here. Yeah, it was fucked up what I seen but to me those weren't my parents. Which I know goes along with the fact you've never seen them." She let out a deep sigh. "But I needed to forgive myself, because they already have. Only you could give me the push I needed, and I see that now."
He didn't know how to respond, contemplating words that tumbled in his brain. "But what I did was messed up. I should have never let that happen."
"Sangie, I don't need to forgive you because you haven't done anything wrong. It was an accident, I know you well enough now that you wouldn't ever do that to me willingly. Just like Hongjoong, he raped me but he was not his true self, Wooyoung almost drained me but again he was not his true self." Yeosang listened to every word that fell from her mouth, he began to cry but he didn't look away from her.
Eunha frowned and swiped the tears away with her hand. "Please don't cry. I love you."
He fell into her touch and pulled her closer, embracing her. She hugged him back, laying her head on his shoulder as he continued to cry more.
"I love you too."

Everyone was back at the castle, meeting back up after none had found her. They found Yeosang gone and got even more worried, before the could leave again, Yeosang and Eunha walked through the front door, joining the other seven. Seonghwa's worried look turned hard.
"Where the fuck have you been?!"
San rushed to her side and yanked her into his embrace, squeezing her. "Oh thank gods you're okay.."
"I'm sorry for worrying you.. I had something I needed to do, and I'm okay." San opened his eyes and looked at Yeosang.
"And why the fuck are you with her?"
"San stop!" She pushed his arms off and stared up at him. "Just stop, I'm okay. We're both okay."
"How can you be okay after what he did to you?! Fuck sakes Eunha do you not remember? You were so afraid you slammed into a fucking wardrobe because you were blinded by trauma!"
San was yelling in her face but she didn't even flinch, keeping her ground and him away from Yeosang. "The exact trauma I've been dealing with since the day my parents were killed. I've had such a hard time trying to forgive myself, because how could I forgive myself if they never did? I went to see them, hoping they would forgive me but they already have, I needed that to forgive myself."
"No, don't Eunha me. I'm not mad at Yeosang and none of you are going to be either. He did something messed up but so have all of you. It's in the past now, please leave it there." San clenched his jaw but realized she was right, looking at the rest of them.
Seonghwa was still mad she left without any of them going with her, but he couldn't help but smile and be proud of her.
There seemed to be a silent agreement between them before Seonghwa cleared his throat. "Alright, let's get some rest. Hongjoong will be back tomorrow."
     San silently pleaded for her to come with him but she gave him a look that he understood, he kissed her forehead and walked away along with the others.
     She grabbed Yeosang's hand and lead them to her room, closing the door and pulling them to bed. He wrapped his body around hers and pulled her to his chest. "I've read a lot of books in my life. But I've never learned more from a human than all of them combined."
     Eunha snuggled her face in his neck. "You know, you showed me hell and heaven today."
     Yeosang snicked slightly. "Definitely hell."
     "You're my Hades." Yeosang's heart jumped in his chest from her words, grip tightening.
     "And you're my Persephone."

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