‼️Not allowed part2 ‼️

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My mom called Jessica up and told her everything. She was talking in a disgusted voice again.

Minutes later they arrived.
My dad went to open the door.

He invited them over the kitchen.

,, Hello Sabrina" Jessica said nicely.
,, Jessica " my mom said back,

Honestly sometimes I wish I would have a different mother.
At least I have my dad, he's chill like that.

,, So what seems to be the problem?" Jessica asked curious.

,, Did you know that they are together ?" My mom asked interested to know Jessica's answer.

,, No, I did not know that " Jessica said looking at Javon.

,, Well congratulations it seems like you have a daughter in law" My mom says jokingly.

,, Mom stop, please" I pleased her.

,, Why ? Aren't you happy? She will be such a good mother in law don't worry Bella." She said smiling sarcastically. ,, You should have thought before doing something you might regret" she said shocking her head.

,, What's so funny Sabrina ? "
Jessica asked.

,, Oh nothing, all of this is just funny. This whole situation" my mom said smiling.

,, Why is it a problem if they are together?" DJ asked joining the awkward conversation.

,, That's what I asked" my dad said agreeing with DJ.

To be honest my dad always got along with DJ. They were good friends. But mom is the bad guy here so.

,, The problem is here that I don't want my daughter to date with a Walton" my mom said kinda loud.

,, Hey stop it! Stop talking about my son like that. Just because you don't like me" she said.

,, Oh come on like you have no problem with my daughter" my mom rolled her eyes.

,, No, no I don't. I have absolutely no problem with you daughter, and for a fact I don't know why is it a problem that they are together. They live their own life and they don't need to hate each other just because we do !? " Jessica said a little angry.

,,Just for you to know I would love to be her mother in law, I'm glad she's not like you " Jessica said.

,,How long has this been going on Bella?" My mom said now a little calmer.

I looked at Javon before answering.
,, Almost a month " I said calmly.

,,Wow it's just great keep going"
She said sarcastically while clapping.

I decided to finally speak up for myself.

,, Mom stop that right now!? I know you are mad at me that's why you are doing all this. Trust me I tried but I just can't do everything the way you want me to. Okay ? So what is if I date with your enemy's son? It's my life not yours, and I will be deciding on who I'll be with and who I'm gonna love, and I'm sorry to say that but you have no right to talk in this." I said calmly by the ending.

With that I run up to my room. I sat down on my bed and stared at the floor.

Does she really hate me just because I date with Javon.

After 10 minutes I heard a knock.

,, Go away!" I said.

,, Please let me talk to you for a second" my mom begged.,, Please "

I give up and let her talk.

,, I'm so proud of you . You are more grown up then I am. You are right I can't control your life all the time, you are not a little child anymore. I'm sorry that I talked to you this way, I promise I'll try better next time. You are a really good kid you know ? " my mom said smiling faintly.

,, Can you please forgive me?" She asked.

,, Yes" I said and she hugged me.

,, You are allowed to date him" my mom says, and I smiled

Hope you enjoyed. Also give me some suggestions please I'm running out of ideas.
Lots of love from Emily ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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