🔪I kill for you🔪

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Today someone was throwing a party. I don't know this person was but I'm going for sure.

I was okay with parties, they are good but it's not the best.

The worst thing what I hated that how boys would stare at me.

They were all drunk and high. I don't fuck with those.

Basically they just wanted to fuck and get in bed with me and literally with all the girls.

But I don't give a shot about them. I have a boyfriend who I love and respect.

Even if I wouldn't have one I'm not dumb getting under a blanket with anyone from this party or just genuinely.

Anyways we arrived to the party like 3 or 4 hours ago.

I come with Javon and we both met with friends here.

We parted ways and said that we're talking later.

We constantly checked on each other but not in the creepy way.

Just texting each other every hour to let each other know that we're are okay.

Now don't get me wrong i'm not a cringe girlfriend and Javon is not either, but in a teenage party where there's hundreds of people drinking, smoking, and getting high are kinda dangerous.

Especially for girls.

You can get raped, random people will touch you or kiss you.

Drunk people trying to fuck you or more.

So no.

Every time I go to a party then I'm stuck to my friends or my boyfriend because I don't wanna get raped or any shit like that.

I was drinking a little cocktail while swaying to the music while talking to my friend Sarah.

She was telling me about a boy she was talking to lately. How she liked him and wanted to get in a relationship with him.

I was happy for her that she is in love and actually felt passion about something or someone.

Javons pov

I was near the kitchen stand where also was a little couch.

I was drinking some beer but it didn't had any alcohol in it.

I'm not drinking because I'm the one driving home and also I don't wanna get drunk, I have to take care of Sierra.

I was talking to my friend Leo and my brother and Sierra's cousin Ben was also there.

,, Yo I know she's looking so sexy, I might wanna get a taste of her. She looks delicious" a boy laughed.

I didn't really paid attention until I heard her name.

,, Sierra would definitely beg me to fuck her" the boy laughed again.

Was she talking about my Sierra ?

The boy then turned to me.

,, Yo Wanna, wondering if I could your girlfriend for a ride, she looks tasty and I'm craving her" the boy smirked while sipping from his drink.

,, What the fuck !? Shut your mouth about her, get yourself someone else, she's mine " I said kind of mad. What the fuck does he think about myself asking me for my girlfriend for a ride.

,, Maybe she shouldn't dress like that or be that hot. It's not myself that when I look at her she looks so good that it basically begging for me to fuck her" he chuckled.

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