🙅‍♀️Lost my virginity❌

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This is chapter is pair up with the   ,, Girls Talk". So if you read it then you know what I'm talking about.


Today is Thursday. It's just a boring day like always. I was chilling in my room, I was on FaceTime with my friend Lea.

She was going on about her sister who took her clothes like her favorite shirt and don't give it back to her.

,, Aham, that's bad " I said not really focused on what she was saying.

,,Annie are you listening ?" Lea asked shaking her hands in front of the camera.

,, Uh yeah, sorry I just got distracted" I whispered.

,, Okay, I'll talk to you later but I gotta go to my Grandma's house " she said pounting.

,, Why are you pounting, your grandma is a literal angel" I laughed.

,, Yeah I know. I love her and everything but I'm too lazy to move" she groaned.

,, Well go she's probably waiting " I said chuckling.

,, okay can I call you back when I'll be back ?" She asked putting her shoes on.

,, Yeah but let me know when because I'm going to Javon's house later " I said playing with my hair.

,, Uh, okay have fun then" she winked at me with a smirk on her face.

,, yeah, yeah you too " I smiled and hung up.

I texted Javon that I'm going over now.

But first I need to ask my mom if she can take me.

,, Mom ! " I shouted going downstairs on the stairs.

,, I'm in the kitchen baby !" She shouted back.

I went in the kitchen where she was making herself a coffee.

,, Can you take me to Javon's please?" I asked nicely.

,, Sure, just give me 5 minutes" she said all smiling.

,, Okay" I simply replied and went to get my phone and I changed my shirt.

We were already on our way to their house. It wasn't to long they lived only like 10 to 15 minutes away from us.

When we arrived I said bye to my mom and kissed her cheek.

,, Annie, call me if you need a ride or if someone drops you home" she said.

,, Okay mom, love you !" I shouted.

,, Love you too !" She shouted back and drove away.

I knocked on the door and waited to someone to open it.

Soon I heard footsteps coming to the door.

Javon opened the door.

,, Took you long enough" I joked and walked in.

,, Sorry I don't hear the bell ringing" he apologized shaking his head.

I went and hugged him.

,, I missed you stupid" I said kissing him.

He kissed back and said,, I missed you too shawty" he chuckled.

I took his hand and went to his room which was upstairs.

,, So where's everyone?" I asked sitting down.

,, Jaden is at baseball, Jayla is at Kylees, Daelo is sleeping at a friend house and my parents is actually hanging out with yours" he answered when he said the last part he looked at you confused.

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