"Uhm, guys? Mum and dad will be here any minute. How are we going to do this?" Harry asked glancing at the clock.

"Oh, right." Remus frowned. "Why don't you to go into the kitchen while we prepare them."

"Yeah, alright." Izzie stood up and wiggled her fingers in front of Regulus. He kissed her hand before she pulled him up. "I'll make us some coffee." She said before they disappeared in the kitchen.

"Harry! Is everything alright?" Lily's rushed voice filled the room, the moment the door opened.

"I'm fine, mum." He grumbled in embarrassment. Lily had taken his face in her hands and checked him over.

"Are you su-" She stopped when James gave her a pointed look. "Alright. I missed you."

"I missed you too, mum." His voice muffled from being pressed against her. Remus and Sirius smirked a little.

"Well, if Harry's okay and the house is still standing, why did we need to get back early?"

"You - you better sit down." Remus gestured them to the couch.

"You're worrying me." James said. "You two look like you've seen a ghost."

"Close to it." Sirius mumbled incoherently. "I -" He touched the ring that was hanging on his necklace beneath his shirt. "I don't know where to begin." He looked to Remus with panicked eyes.

"You know Harry and Sirius went to see Cassie Sabel, right? Well, - uhm – you know we all calmed down from her voice? Well, there is a reason for that. I – I better just show you. Cassie?"

"Cassie Sable is here? Cassie Sable is in the same house as me?!" Lily's breathing became rapid, excited and panicked to see her favourite singer, she looked around frantically, patting her hair down. "Why are you so calm, Harry?!" She nearly shrieked. And Remus assumed that Izzie and Reg were trying to hold in their laughter as they made their way out of the kitchen.

"Harry already kind of met me. But so did you, actually."

Lily's breathing stopped when she saw Izzie and Regulus walk out of the kitchen. "Izzie-" She breathed. "Reg. Is this real? What's happening."

"It's real, it's me." She said quietly. Lily was frozen to the spot as she walked closer, only when Izzie touched her arm, she crumbled in her arms. They cried in each other arms. James's face was just pure shock as he looked from the newly arrived duo to Remus and Sirius.

"I missed you so much." Lily pulled back to look her in the eye before she turned to Reg. "I've missed you too, come here." She opened her arms and Reg walked in without hesitation. Then James just charged forward and wrapped his arms around the three of them. They stood there for a long time, clinging to each other.

"Can someone tell me what's happening?" James asked once he pulled back, his voice shook.

Izzie breathed in deep, taking Reg's hand in hers. "Let's sit down, there is a lot to say."

The whole time Reg and Izzie explained what happened, James was looking at Sirius. He hasn't said a word since the reunion. He was just touching his chest, which he knew was where Izzie's engagement ring was hidden under. He couldn't take his eyes of his presumed death fiancé, ex-fiancé?

"I can't believe you're back. That you are alive." Lily whispered; her arm curled around Izzie's.

"If I had known -"

"I know." She whispered back. "You don't have to apologise." She turned to Remus. "How come we never knew it was Izzie singing?"

"We thought she was -" He couldn't say the word. "And she has a completely different name and we thought she was an American. Without any pictures, we couldn't have known."

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