Pure Evil

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Another two weeks had passed. They haven't met up with Sirius and Remus again, but they did go over to Barty and Evan's place. She still wrote to Sirius every night; he was a bit miffed at first because she went to Barty. Even though he didn't mention it, she could tell by his short answers. And the other thing that took her by surprise was that every time he wrote in the book, she was starting to sense his emotions. Probably a side effect from claiming the books. Sirius words still echoed in her head. I love you. I love you. I love you. He already told her but still, it made her whole body warm up. The way he said it, soft and sincere, full of worry. She knew she liked him more than anyone else, she has never felt like this with anyone. But was it love? She didn't know, it may be the trust part that was causing her to doubt her feelings. She needed more time to figure it out, but she knew Sirius would never push her. She wanted to see him again, she wanted to kiss him.

She was now sitting in the study next to Reggie at the piano. She closed her eyes as the music filled her ears. This was a nice distraction for her turmoil of emotions. Then she recognised the melody.

"Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings; Of the bluebird as she sings; The six o'clock alarm would never ring; But it rings, and I rise; Wipe the sleep out of my eyes; My shaving razor's cold and it stings
Cheer up, sleepy Jean; Oh, what can it mean
To a daydream believer; And a homecoming queen."

"Wow, you really can sing. I can't believe I didn't know." Regulus gasped as he continued playing. Her lips twitched up as she swayed on the music.

"Sing with me, Reg."

And he did. Regulus was a great singer himself, and the rest of the afternoon they laughed and sang together to the best and the worst songs they could think of. It was fun and light, and they forgot about everything for a while.

Orion and Walburga had been acting stranger lately. They were home more often, writing letters and locked up in the library. She had seen Walburga snap and kick Kreacher, she even threatened Reg once when she didn't think she would hear it. Regulus had been quiet for the rest of the night. It seemed like the facade was falling on the Blacks.

"Reg, are you sure this is a good idea?" Izzie asked nervously as they used the floo to go to Barty's house. "If you parents find out... School is in a few days, we can wait."

"I don't want to wait. And how do you think they will find out? They think we'll be at Barty's." He said stepping in the fireplace. Izzie followed him in and they floo'd over to the Barty's.

"Fine but no longer than two hours, promise?"

"I promise." They stepped out of Barty's fireplace. The house was dark and empty, seeing that Barty's parents were at work and Barty was over at Evans. "The clock is ticking."

"Right, right, don't get all huffy with me, young man."

He scowled at her, making her laugh. Her laugh boomed through the empty house. It felt earie being here without Barty. She quickly looped her arm through his and apparated them to a muggle park outside of London. Remus and Sirius were waiting inside a hidden pergola in the park. Regulus was starting to move towards Remus, like a magnet. But she wanted to have her fun too, she ran up to the pair, who turned as they heard footsteps come closer. She made it look like she was going to fling herself at Sirius, but beelined at the last second to crash into Remus.

"Hello, love." Remus laughed kissing the top of her head. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just wanted to rile up the Black brothers." She grinned as she stepped back.

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