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She didn't get to say anything else to Sirius as his mother was waiting on the platform for Regulus. Regulus joined at her side. His manner stiff and his face empty of emotion as he held out his arm. She knew that he was just playing his part and she followed his lead, but she hated the way he reacted to his parents. When they walked up to Walburga, she glanced at her friends. Lily was grasping James's arm, biting her lower lip in concern. Remus's eyes flickered between her and Reggie, playing with his nails as he looked towards them. And then there was Sirius, his gaze was hard and fixed on his mother, she saw how his hands turned into fists to his side. She made a subtle wave of her hands. Sirius shivered slightly and she saw how he opened one of his hands.

He recognised the shiver that went through him, he recognised her magic. He opened his hand when something appeared in it. It was a tiny piece of parchment; he folded it open and it read. You look prettier when you smile, love. He couldn't help the crooked smile as he looked up at her. She winked before her face turned blank again as she looked to his mother.

"What do you have there, Pads?" James asked.

"Hm?" He looked to James and quickly stuffed the parchment in his pocket. "Nothing." James grinned at him, but he turned back. Panic rose and his chest tightened when she was gone. "Moony, where is she?"

"Your mother took them."

"What?!" He nearly shrieked. "Why?"

"They have dinner plans to discuss the wedding." He said through gritted teeth as he looked at the spot that had vanished.

"I thought she was staying at your place the first two weeks." He snapped at Lily.

"She is, she's coming over after the dinner."

"Lily?!" They all turned when they saw Lily's parents waving her over.

"I should go." She kissed James lightly before she turned to Remus and Sirius. "I'll let you know when she gets at my place."

"Yeah, okay." They both answered, not really paying attention. They stood frozen to the spot as the platform was starting to empty. Fifteen minutes later, they were the only ones still there. Just Sirius, Remus and James.

"I don't trust this." Remus finally spoke.

"Me neither." Sirius grumbled. "My mother seemed too happy. She's planning something."

"They won't hurt her, right?" James asked. Sirius looked startled at his best friend; seemingly forgotten he was there too.

"Only if she gives them a reason to." He hated to admit it.

"But they need her to marry Regulus. They won't hurt her, they need her and she's off age, she can just go."

"She won't leave Reggie alone at that house." Remus shook his head. "Not with the thought they would take it out on him."

"And they would. And if they get a whiff that they really care for each other, they will use it." Sirius grumbled.

"Can't we get Reg out of there? If he's not under your parents' thumb, neither is Izzie. Can't he stay at your house?"

"I've told Sirius the moment he appeared on my doorstep that there was always room for Regulus. But-" James glanced to Sirius.

"Reg still believes there is some good in our parents, he won't give up on them. Even with the forced marriage, he thinks it would benefit him in the end."

"Reg doesn't want to marry her." Remus sneered.

"I know, Moony." Sirius groaned, running a hand through his hair. "But Reg still feels like he needs to do right by his family."

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