The Book

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Later that night when they were on the plane back to London, Izzie's stomach started to clench together for several different reasons. She thought about Sirius, about how he wouldn't have liked how she acted around Luke or the other way around. Nothing happened between her and Luke, he just kissed her on the cheek and asked if he could write to her sometime and she agreed. She thought about leaving the comfort of Lily and her parents, about staying at the dark Grimmauld place.

She excused herself and went to the tiny lavatory on the plane before she wrote down a note.

Hey, Sirius.

We're on the plane headed back to London now, about 35000 ft in the air. Don't worry, it's relatively safe. ;-)

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Grimmauld, if you can find the time, I would love to see you before I leave. I have a little surprise for you.
We went to the beach and the pier today; Lily took some pictures. I'm sure she will show them to you once they're developed. I hope you and James had some fun without us, I know that's almost impossible but I'm sure you've found a way. ;-)
And for the love of Godric, I hope you're not glued to your brooms when Remus is around, or I'll hex you both. And you know how creative I am with my hexes.

We'll be home at around eight tonight and I leave for Reggie's at eleven in the morning. I understand if you don't have the time, I wish I had more time to spare for you, but you know your parents, I can't risk arriving late.

I hope to see you soon.


With that she burned the note up. Once the last puffs of smoke were gone, she wrote another note for Remus and send its on his way too before going back to her seat next to Lily, who was submerged in a book.

When they arrived at Lily's house, she smiled wide as Remus was waiting for her on the doorstep. She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her close against him.

"I missed you." She whispered in his neck.

"I missed you too." He squeezed her.

"Remus." Mrs Evans smiled. "Come in, come in. Let me make you a cup of tea."

"Thank you, Mrs Evans." He smiled over Izzie's shoulder, not wanting to let go just yet. "How was Spain?" He asked as they stepped into the house. Lily and Izzie began to tell him all about the past two weeks as they settled on the couch, Izzie tugged closely at his side.

"Isn't James coming?" Lily asked a little forlorn.

"He wanted to come, both of them but Mr Potter fell ill two days ago. He's been taken to St Mungo's a few hours ago."

"Oh, no." Lily gasped, holding a hand in front of her mouth. "I should go to him."

"No, Lily." Remus stopped her before she had a chance to jump up. "Mr Potter is going to fine, James said he'll come by tomorrow." He looked to Izzie. "So is Sirius. He was over the moon every time you've sent him a burning message."

"A fire message." She corrected with a small blush.

"Which you are fully going to explain to me." Remus grinned but then he frowned. "Did something happen between you two?"

"I've been wondering that too, since no guy could hold your attention, except one."


"What guy?" Remus interrupted. Izzie shot her a glare, but Lily just shrugged.

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