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Sirius stepped into the house with James after their training. The whole house was decorated with Christmas decorations. Garlands, lights, a large Christmas tree right next to the fireplace. It was all Lily and Remus's doing, they loved, but like really loved Christmas time. They spend hours last weekend to decorate the house from top to bottom. Now the living room was empty. Lily was still in school, studying with her classmates. Regulus was still at Hogwarts, he would be coming home in a few days. But where was Izzie and Remus? They didn't need to work today.

Sirius shared a glance with James, who gave a shrug. They dropped their bags on the floor and walked to the kitchen. It was a tidy as ever, nobody was there.

"Where are they?"

"Maybe in the garden?" James suggested already making his way to the back door. He opened it in one swift motion, and they peered outside. The Quidditch goals were covered in snow, just like the rest of the garden. But there were footprints scattered on the snow and a large, too large snowman was sitting in the corner. But the snow was falling again, and the footprints were starting to disappear. "Seems like they had fun." James grinned.

"Yeah." Sirius smiled. "Maybe they are warming up in the library." Sirius stretched, rolling his sore neck. "I'm going to take a shower, Sterling didn't held back today. Everything hurts."

"Thank Merlin, I had Dawling." James snickered. He took of his coat and hung it on the coat hanger. "I'll go start on dinner. And yes -" He looked over his shoulder as Sirius opened his mouth. "I'll make hot chocolate too, with whipped cream."

Sirius grinned, his eyes sparkled. With a wink, he turned around. Tossing his coat over James' before heading upstairs. With each step, he discarded a piece of clothing. When he reached the bathroom, he was only wearing his boxers and socks. The rest of his clothes were in an untidy bundle in his arms. He opened the door and the sight in front of him was not what he expected.

Remus was standing in front of the sink in only a towel around his waist, while he dried his hair with a smaller towel. The shower next to him was still running and he saw Izzie standing under a hot stream of water. They were conversing like it was the most normal thing to do. And maybe it was for them, they've been friends for so long. And much to Sirius dismay, they have seen each other naked. Then Remus dropped the towel in the sink and looked at him in the doorway.

He eyed Sirius up and down with a bemused expression. "Oh, hey Sirius."

"Hi, love." Izzie smiled happy from the shower.

"Your boyfriend looks really good." Remus chuckled as he looked over his shoulder to Izzie, she pursed her lips at him to hide a grin. Sirius couldn't follow, probably an inside joke.

"What's going on?"

"I'm taking a shower." She said as she put some shampoo in her hair with a grin.

"I already got out of the shower." Remus had the same expression on his face as Izzie.

"I figured that out." Sirius grumbled a little.

Remus couldn't help but laugh at his obvious and unnecessary jealousy. "You know I'm in love with your brother, right?" He quirked an eyebrow. Sirius crossed his arms over his chest. "We were playing in the snow and needed to warm up. We decided to warm up with a shower. Separately. But I guess you want to join her?" He said, eyeing the lack of his clothes. He whispered something to Izzie before he walked out of the bathroom. He stopped for a second next to Sirius, trying to keep his face straight. "Besides, I've already seen her naked." And Remus ran out of the room before Sirius could grab him.

"I hate you!" Sirius called after him. He was shooting daggers at his back until he disappeared in his room.

"Sirius." Izzie purred from the shower, and he spun around. Her head was just above the covered part of the glass, her eyes dark. "Are you just going to glare at an empty hallway, or are you going to join me?"

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