Without a Touch

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Lily, Remus, Regulus and Sirius went over every note and almost every book in the room. The hours ticked by, and Izzie was still asleep. Sirius had a hard time concentrating, his eyes flickering to the closed door every ten minutes or so. They didn't even realise it was time for dinner, when food appeared in front of them.

"Uhm, where did this come from?" Lily asked pointing at her porkchop.

"I'm guessing the house elves know when we are here and send up food." Regulus shrugged as he flipped through a book from the restricted section.

"Shouldn't we check up on her? She's been asleep for a long time." Sirius said glancing at the door again.

"She's been through a lot. I'll go check on her." He said quickly before Sirius could get up. He went in the room and closed the door behind them.

"What if the marriage bond makes them... you know." Sirius frowned, watching the closed door.

"I just think they're being careful. They don't know what your parents did exactly, or how the bond will affect them. But we need to give them space if they need it."

"I can't believe your parents went through with it." Lily pulled her knees to her chest.

"I can." Sirius growled. "I knew they were up to something."

"It's done now. Let's just see what they did and then we can find a way out of this." Remus said picking up another book.

In the meantime

Regulus stepped into the room and saw her in the exact same position as a few hours ago, but he could see her breathing slowly. He sat down next to her, grasping her hand in his. The moment their bodies touched; he felt his magic alongside hers grow stronger. She moved in her sleep and clutched his shirt.

"We'll get through this, Isabelle, I promise." He stroked her hair softly. "I'm going to make this right, for you, for Remus, for Sirius."

"Sirius." She sighed in her sleep; a little smile ghosted her lips.

You truly love him. Regulus mused as he watched the faint smile. I'll make sure you'll be able to love him freely. He vowed. Their magic buzzed between them, making him fall asleep next to her.

Lily was busy with the Runes they had used during the ceremony. While Remus went over the blood rituals and Sirius tried to focus on the Pureblood rituals. But when an hour had passed and Reggie still hasn't shown up, he stood up and walked over to the room. He glanced inside as saw them both asleep. Seeing them like that, he was afraid the marriage bond was bringing them closer together, to something more. He tried to keep those thoughts away which wasn't easy, he was just happy to see that she had regained more colour in her cheeks. He was just about to close the door again when he heard her whisper.


He didn't even realise his was moving until his knees bumped the bed. He kneeled down next to the bed and looked from his brother to the only girl who had ever stolen his heart. "Izzie." He whispered.

Izzie moved in her sleep until she rolled over facing him, her eyes were still closed. He reached over and took her hand in his, he felt something push him away but couldn't place where it came from.

"Please don't push me away, we will find a way, I promise." He caressed her cheek, another push, a little stronger than before. "I love you." He reached over and kissed her cheek. But the moment his lips touched her, he was flown backwards. Regulus and Izzie woke up from the crash and Lily and Remus bounded in the room.

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