Well, now they know...

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James and the others were already sitting in the great hall when they heard Sirius booming laugh fill the castle walls. The next second he appeared with Izzie tucked under his arm, a beaming smile on his face as he looked at her. She leaned closer and whispered something in his ear to make him grin from ear to ear.

"He looks happy." James said, looking at the pair.

"They both do." Regulus said as he saw her tug his brother scarf before kissing him. "Never in a million years, did I think Sirius would be the one that made her this happy."

"You're not the only one." Remus said quietly watching his two best friends still in the doorway. They were both flushed from the cold outside, their hair frazzled where it appeared under their hats.

"Never thought Sirius would be in any kind of serious relationship." Lily mused. "But hey, I never thought that about you either." She poked James's side, who looked affronted. James's answer was interrupted when Izzie and Sirius sat down in front of them. They were both releasing themselves from the warm winter attire.

"Is that Sirius's sweater?" Lily gasped with a grin.

"And are you wearing Izzie's?" James snickered at the navy-blue V-neck sweater Sirius was now wearing.

"No, the most important question is -" Regulus started as he pointed at Sirius. "Are those hickeys?"

Sirius quickly shook his head until his hair covered his neck. He didn't know how many hickeys they were but apparently, they were on full display. The others all laughed as Sirius grinned with an evident blush on his cheeks.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sirius." Izzie's fingers combed his hair back and her fingers grazed his neck. "I can remove them, just a little swipe." She moved her fingers.

"No." He took her hand in his and she looked at him with large blue eyes. "Leave them." She quirked an eyebrow. "I like that I'm marked." Regulus snorted in his tea. "Everyone will know I'm taken when they see me." She blushed and Sirius kissed her knuckles lightly.

"I'm just wondering what you two were doing when you got them?" Remus huffed. Sirius turned bright red and shifted in his seat, making everyone suspicious. Sirius never blushed when it came to sex, but since Izzie, well things have been different.

"Oh, nothing happened." Izzie waved her hand at her best friend. "It was all rather innocent." She winked at Sirius, who if was possible turned even more red.

"I'm not sure if I believe that." Remus smirked as he looked from her to Sirius. "I've never seen Pads so red!"

"Leave him be." Izzie smiled. "Or should I tell them about the summer of '74?"

Remus opened and closed his mouth as his neck turned red. "You wouldn't!" He finally gasped.

But Izzie wasn't looking at him anymore, she leaned forward and kissed Sirius softly. His hands went to her hips automatically and pulled her closer. They parted from several people who annoyingly cleared their throats. A few minutes later, the great hall was filled with students.

Once Regulus saw Barty and Evan enter the great hall, he slipped towards the Slytherin table. Remus, Izzie and Sirius all shared a nervous glance as he sat between the other Slytherins. It's not like it is a problem now... but once Dumbledore explain to the room what had occurred...

Sirius and Izzie sat close to each other on the table but weren't affectionate to each other and focussed their attention to the others. Sirius noticed several girls looking at him, trying to get his attention but he ignored them easily, especially when he felt Izzie's foot brush against his.

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