Living Together

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Only a month after they moved in, Sirius and James bought and installed two Quidditch posts in the garden. Living with six under one roof, well Izzie was prepared for the worst, but it went more smoothly than anyone would have thought. The house was big enough so that everyone could escape to their own quarters. Their own room, the library, the garden,...

Remus, Lily and Regulus were often found in the library with their noses in a book. Even though Regulus loved the library, he was even more at home on a broom which Izzie still couldn't get. But here they were again. Regulus, James, Sirius and Evan were playing two-on-two while Izzie and Remus were cuddled up in a hammock between two trees, and Lily and Barty were playing chutes and ladders. Barty scowled when he fell back down a chute again much to Lily's delight.

"Your boyfriend looks really good up there." Izzie grinned as Remus pursed his lips at her. It was a warm day, and Reg and James played skins, while Evan and Sirius were wearing a wife beater, showing off their firm arms. Reg looked extremely pale next to James, but he was lean and fit. "He should strut around shirtless more often. Hey!" She called when Remus pinched her arm. "A girl can look, alright." She laughed.

"It would be kind of weird if you didn't find him attractive since they look so much alike." Remus mused as he looked at the flying men above them.

"So, what you are saying is -" She pushed herself up, leaning on Remus's chest, grinning. "- that you find Sirius hot."

"I - no, Izzie – I." He shook his head flustered. Izzie let her head fall on his chest, laughing hysterically. "You are awful."

"Oh, you love me." She grinned and kissed his cheek.

"Oi!" Sirius called down. "You already have a boyfriend, you know."

Remus and Izzie laughed as James tossed the quaffle at his head. "Was he talking to you or me?" Remus asked, still grinning wildly.

"I have no idea." Izzie's eyes were wet from laughing. Her eyes scanned the flying boys again. "James and Reg seemed to get along."

"Yeah." He smiled softly. "They never really got to know each other before but now – well living together makes it nearly impossible not to." He chuckled. "Quidditch was an in when it comes to those two."

"Who would have thought." She snorted. "Has he had any nightmares lately?"

"No big ones. He stirs in his sleep a lot, but I can calm him down quite fast. He hasn't told Sirius though."

"I figured." Her eyes followed Sirius for a moment. "They are getting along really well, but I think that's still a step too far for Reg. One step at a time, I guess. They haven't hugged either, there has been more physical contact between them, like playful bumping and a bit of roughhousing but other than that... I think they will get there. They just have to get to know each other again."

"Once Reg is finished with school, they will have enough time."

"How are you feeling? About Reg going back to school next month?"

"I'm trying not to think about it, not just yet." He looked somber but then turned to her with a little smile. "But thanks to you, we have a whole schedule to meet up."

"What are best friends for than to help you get laid." She smirked up at him.

"Izzie!" Remus barked out a laugh so loud the others all turned to them. Izzie could help but beam at him, just for seeing so him so happy.

Alright, alright. Everything will be just fine. Remus said to himself as he and Regulus apparated to Diagon Alley to get Reggie's things. Reg was squeezing his hand so firmly it would have bruised if it wasn't for his werewolf strength.

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