Snatched Away

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Easter break was coming up fast. It's been a little over a week since she discovered about the marriage with Reggie. She had met with Remus and Regulus almost every other night to talk plan strategy. The first night we found Regulus, he and Remus fell into each other's arms, afraid of letting go. Afraid of a loveless, no, not loveless but a passionless marriage and secret affairs. She felt lost and a little empty the past week, not only because of the impending arranged marriage but also because Sirius had been avoiding her since that night. Every time she entered the room, he made an excuse to leave, making her heart clench.

Once the train started moving forward, making its way to London, she took her walkman out of her bag. Sirius decided to join them in the carriage since he didn't have an excuse not to be there because James, Remus and Peter were all there. She saw him eyeing the walkman but she placed the headphones over her ears and turned her gaze outside, blocking everyone out. After a few hours, she needed to stretch her legs and get out of the compartment where she could feel Sirius's eyes on her the whole time. She stuffed her walkman back in her bag and stood op, stretching her arms over her head.

"I'm going for a walk." She said mainly to Remus and Lily that were sitting on her side of the bench.

"Can I walk with you?"

Izzie's head snapped towards Sirius, her gaze hard. "No."

Sirius stood up, his eyes pleading. "I want to talk to you."

"I rather talk to your brother." She said before walking out of the compartment swiftly. She could just hear Remus say, "It's your own fault, Pads." before the door closed.

She found Reggie on the other side of the train sitting with Crouch and Rosier, the only three Slytherins she trusted. They were trying to find out who had talked to her father, but they haven't figured it out yet. Regulus had noticed or Remus told him that Sirius was avoiding her, but he never brought it up. At least not until now.

He leaned back and tilted his head closer to her as Evan and Barty talked about Quidditch. "You should talk to him."

"Like I told him, I rather talk to you." She bobbed his nose. Regulus spluttered at that kind of affection. "We are trying to find a way out of this. Sirius, Sirius doesn't care."

"You don't believe that."

"I don't know what to believe anymore." She whispered.

"Then talk to him. He's waiting outside." He nudged his head towards the door. And there he was, just like Regulus said. Sirius was pacing in front of the compartment, glancing inside with every turn. "His magic is all over the place." He said with a frown.

"Fine." She sighed. She kissed the three boys' goodbye, before stepping out of the compartment. "Can I help you?"

And for the first time, Sirius didn't like that she asked that. Her voice was void of emotion. "I really need to talk to you."

"After almost two weeks of ignoring me? That's rich." She glanced out the window, trees passing by in a blur.

"I guess I deserved that." He ran a hand through his long black hair before waving his wand to shut the curtains of Regulus's compartment. "I'm sorry. I thought if I kept you at arm's length, it would be safer for you."

"Merlin, I hate when guys get a hero complex." She threw her hands in the air. "Even if we didn't become friends, my father would have married me off to Regulus either way or maybe even worse. Now it's just sooner rather than later. You avoiding me hurts me more than if I were to marry Reg." Her voice broke and so did his heart. Without thinking he pulled her in a hug, but she didn't flinch. She relaxed against him the second their bodies touched.

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