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Sirius's party was already in full swing when she arrived that night. She had met up with Reggie first, a small present from him to Sirius tucked in the back pocket of her jeans. In the corner Lily and Remus were playing a game of chess. Marlene and Mary were talking to a few seventh-year boys from Hufflepuff. Peter was already swaying on his legs as he downed another whiskey. Then there was James and the birthday boy Sirius. They were surrounded by girls, who were literally waiting in line to give him a birthday kiss. James spotted Izzie first, shooting her a wink before he nudged Sirius side, gesturing over to her once he got his attention. His smile brightened when he saw her standing at the portrait. He pushed past the line of girls and came over to her, James right behind him.

"Can I help you?" Izzie asked.

"Happy you grazed us with your presence, miss Miller." He gave her a lopsided grin. "What about a kiss for the birthday boy." He tapped his lips with his index finger.

"I think-" She stepped closer, and Sirius froze. "That there are plenty of girls who want to give you a birthday kiss, just right there." She pointed over his shoulder. "Happy birthday, Black." She grinned before she ducked away and headed to the makeshift bar.

A few hours later, the party had dwindled down a lot, leaving only Sirius's closest friends. The clock just struck two when Sirius came over with a bottle of muggle Whiskey and a little bottle of Veritaserum. Izzie was laying on Remus's lap again as they talked about the prank the Marauders had pulled in their History class.

"Last game of the night!" Sirius happy but drunk voice sang.

"Not another truth or dare." Mary groaned.

"No, just truth. Everyone does every dare here anyway." He shrugged, as he stumbled to the floor. Lily the only sober one, let the coffee table fly away, so there was room for everyone to sit. "So, tell the truth, with a little help of Veritaserum or take a shot."

"I'm not drinking." Lily said.

"Then you'll need to tell the truth." James smirked from his place next to Sirius.

Izzie pushed herself up from Remus's lap and looked around the circle. Remus and she were sitting with their backs against the fireplace. Lily, Marlene and Mary had slid down the couch to the floor, now with their backs against it. Peter was sitting on their left, while Sirius and James were sitting across from him.

"We'll use the bottle to choose who's the first target." Sirius grinned a little devilishly. "And since I'm the birthday boy-"

"Officially your birthday is over." Remus mused. The others snickered while Sirius glared.

"Since it's my birthday party , I'll go first." He said placing the bottle in the middle of the circle, and he gave it a twist. It stopped at Mary. "Alright, Mary." Sirius rubbed his hands excitedly. "Who's your best snog?"

He offered her the Veritaserum and the bottle of fire whiskey, grinning. She took the truth potion. Since he had been snogging her last year, he probably thought she would say his name and not -

"Dean Murphy." Sirius look was to die for, everyone fell into a fit of laughter at his astonished face. "My turn." Mary licked her lips, leaning forward to spin the bottle.

"Oh, Remus." She said unexpectedly and excited. "What don't I know about you?" She tapped her finger on her chin. Izzie saw the four marauders stiffen, but she placed a reassuring hand on his knee. "Who was your first kiss?"

"Oh." Remus laughed. "That one's easy." He glanced to her. He downed the shot of truth potion. "Iz."

"Izzie?" Everyone gasped in surprise except Lily.

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