It Was Worth The Wait

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"Oh, are we going to the three broomsticks?" She asked once they reached Hogsmeade.

"Nope." He squeezed the hand that was looped through his arm. "Hold on." And with that, he apparated away. It was a bit chilly when they landed, a cold with gushed through the trees. She shivered as she glanced around her, they were surrounded by trees. "Step in." He guided her to a blanket on the ground. Once her foot stepped on the blanket, a warming spell flittered over her body, and she breathed out a relieved sigh.

"Remus... are we – are we in Hildegard's Forest?" She asked as she finally took in her surroundings.

"Yes, I wanted us to have a few hours like it was before. The sad part is, is that our treehouse is gone." He pointed up to the large tree in front of us. "Someone broke it down."

"I don't think it would've held us now anyway." She laughed. "Gods, it's been years since I've been here."

"Me too." He said quietly as they sat on the blanket, their backs against an old oak tree. She looked at him with a slight tilt in her head. "After you moved, it wasn't the same. I never came here without you besides the one time. It felt like a part was missing. I miss my girl next door."

"You know we spent over nine months together at school, right?" She chuckled but leaned into him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "And soon, we'll be just two doors away. Oh, that reminds me." She pulled out a pen and notebook from her bag.

"What are you doing?"

"Just writing down that I need to place permanent silencing charms on the rooms. I don't want to hear my friends going at it. And I'm guessing Sirius don't want to hear you shagging his little brother." She gave him a toothy grin and Remus flushed crimson.

"So, you are definitely moving in?"

"What's the point of living away from the people I love. Besides you will need my company when Reggie is back in school."

"Don't remind me. I try not to think about not seeing him for almost a year." He groaned.

"What are you talking about? He'll come home during Christmas and Easter break. Then you have the Hogsmeade trips. And you, James and Sirius know enough ways to sneak in the castle or sneak Reggie out to meet you. We'll make a schedule this summer, but I will need some one on one time with my husband." Remus scrunched up his nose at this. "You are always taking the mickey out of Sirius, but you're nearly as bad." She snickered, poking his side.

Remus gasped, clutching his heart. "How dare you!" He started tickling her side and she squirmed away, but Remus with his too damn long arms, grabbed her and continued his attack. Her laughter filled the silent forest.

"Are you happy?" He asked. She was lying with her head on his lap and his hand caressed her hair softly. The skirt of her dress almost completely covered the blanket.

"Extremely so. You?"

"Ditto." He smiled, he leaned his head against the oak tree and closed his eyes. "Who would've thought we would have such great loves."

"I know you would have it, sooner or later. But I never thought I would get one."

"Why would you think that? Why would you think a werewolf had more of a chance to a happy ever after then you?"

"I love you, and I love Barty. But we were never in love. I thought I was too damaged to be lucky enough to be loved, to feel love. But then -"

"Sirius decided to meddle into our friendship. Into your life." He offered with a smirk.

"Well, yeah." She chuckled. "But still, I don't think anyone saw this coming."

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