Cassandra Sable

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Sirius Black surprised his godson with tickets from his favourite artist for his fourteenth birthday. He's been crazy for Cassie Sable since he was young. All because of his mother, Lily. When she heard Cassandra 'Cassie' Sable on the radio for the first time she had been captivated by her voice and played her constantly around the house. The others always teased Lily for her little obsession, but they found her voice almost as captivating and weirdly familiar. Lily had been dying to go see her, but she was an American and she had only performed in America so far. That is, until now, she had a whole European tour planned this summer, muggle and wizarding performances. Harry was ecstatic when he received the tickets, but Lily was put out. The nights she would perform in the UK, were on the days she and James would be out of the country for their fifteen-year anniversary.

So, now Sirius and Harry were standing in a large tent that could hold over thousands of people. They were surrounded by a diverse crowd. It seemed like she had fans from every age and gender. He saw eleven-year-old boys and girls to elderly couples in the crowd. He was happy to note, he wasn't the only thirty something male in the crowd.

"Too bad Uncle Remus couldn't come." Harry said as they walked closer to the stage. "I think he loves her even more than mum does, although he hides it better."

"He'll get his chance. He has tickets for the show next week, he'll be recovered from the moon by then. Here." He handed over the drink as they took their seats. "So, you like your present?"

"The best I had in years." Harry beamed as he pushed his glasses up his nose. "Thank you, Uncle Siri."

"Anything for you, kid." He ruffled his hair. He grinned when Harry muttered about not being a kid anymore. "I'm guessing your girlfriend is rather jealous about you right now."

"She got mental when I told her." Harry grinned but blushed at the mention of his girlfriend. They only started dating just before summer break. "The wizarding concerts were all sold out, so she's trying to get muggle tickets for the end of the summer."

"How did Ronald Weasley react when he found out about you and Hermione?"

Harry scrunched up his nose at the mention of the petty Hufflepuff. "Not well, he asked her to go to Hogsmeade when I was standing right next to her. I understand why Fred and George always play pranks on him, he's a little shit."

Sirius laugh boomed through the tent just when a man appeared on the stage.

"Welcome everyone!" The man's voice echoed through the tent. "I know you all want to see Cassie Sable." Cheers and hollers followed the man's voice. "But she's still getting ready to give the best performance you will ever see, so while you wait, I have to introduce to you, Cauldron Explosion!"

The room clapped and cheered, but Sirius knew it would be twice as loud when the head performer will take the stage. It was a group of young man, around their twenties by the looks of it.

"They're okay, nothing like Cassie though." Harry called out over the music. Sirius grinned at his godson. "They say Cassie uses advanced magic at her shows, there is one song she conjures up a Patronus. I hope she does that one first."

Sirius couldn't help but smile at Harry as he talked about what he had heard about her previous shows and what he read in the magazines. Harry wasn't listening to Cauldron Explosion as he kept talking about Cassie Sable over the music.

"They say she dated the muggle actor Johnny Depp. You know him?"

"Yeah, he's Remus celebrity crush." He grinned.

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