41- A little longer

Start from the beginning

With a sense of curiosity, I positioned myself between them, and we captured another memorable moment with a cheerful snapshot.

With the photo in hand, we bid farewell to William, the young man who had added an unexpected twist to our day.

We returned to the bench, and Irin began scrolling through her phone. I couldn't help but be curious and asked, "What are you doing?"

Irin continued to giggle, clearly relishing her playful tease. "Don't worry, it's just a harmless post," she assured me with a mischievous glint in her eye. "But it'll definitely be interesting. Showing off that my best friend, the British princess, is still the ever-alluring and gorgeous one, attracting attention from all corners, men and women alike."

I couldn't help but blush at her words and the dramatic flair she added to our story. With a laugh, I said, "Alright, go ahead, post it. But you're quite the drama princess yourself, you know!"

Our laughter filled the air as we shared this light-hearted moment, making our day even more memorable and full of unexpected twists.

After a few minutes, my phone started buzzing with a series of notifications from Irin's posts. Likes, hearts, and comments were flooding in, showing that the intriguing tale of our interaction with William had piqued the interest of our friends.

As I skimmed through the comments, one stood out. To my surprise, Freen had commented, "Can't blame him" Her comment added an unexpected twist to the situation, leaving me both surprised and curious about the dynamics at play.


Becky's POV

My classes for the day have already ended, yet I chose not to head home. Instead, I found myself drawn to the beachside cafe, the very spot where Freen once took me on an amazing date.

The sun was beginning its slow descent toward the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow upon the sandy shores. I couldn't help but reminisce about that special day with Freen. The memories of our laughter, shared stories, and the way the sea breeze ruffled our hair were etched vividly in my mind.

While I waited for my milk tea, I gazed out at the endless expanse of the sea, its rhythmic waves serving as a timeless backdrop to my thoughts. I wondered where Freen is now, does she miss me at all.

The weight of emotions from what had transpired between Freen and me still felt like an unrelenting tide, threatening to pull me under. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that our once strong connection would fracture into irreparable pieces. The confrontation at Friend's party had been emotionally draining, like a storm tearing through our fragile bonds.

I began the year with unwavering determination to mend our relationship, to bridge the gap that had grown between us. However, as the days turned, I felt myself becoming increasingly drained. It was as if the very essence of my being was being sapped, and I questioned if my heart could endure the torment any longer.

Seeing her once again surrounded by her campus admirers, as if nothing had ever happened between us, only deepened my heartache. The endless stream of boys and girls seeking her attention served as a painful reminder of what we used to share.

As I watched the world revolve around her, I knew I had a long road ahead in healing and moving on from the love we once shared. But for now, all I could do was turn away, concealing the ache in my chest, and hope that time would eventually mend the wounds left by our fractured connection.

If only I could unlearn the love I still hold for her, perhaps I could find a way to heal and move forward.

But love, as stubborn and relentless as it is, doesn't come with an off switch. It lingers, etching its presence in the deepest corners of the heart, defying our attempts to erase it. So, I must face the reality that these feelings won't vanish at will.

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