"But, it's all I have," Regina said.

"No, it's not," Nadia told her, after realizing something, "When you kissed Henry, that was true love's kiss. That's light magic."

"See? You can do it," Maverick said.

"Maverick, I don't even have my heart right now," Regina mentioned.

"That doesn't matter," Henry said from behind them, making everyone turn to him, "You broke the curse without it, and I know you still love me. I know there's good in you."

"He's right," Elias added, "I know you can beat this witch."

Regina shook her head, doubtfully, "But, I don't-," She began.

"I didn't think I could do this Savior thing, I still don't," Elias interrupted her, "But I'm doing it because I have people who believe I can. Just as I believe you can."

"Once upon a time you were a villain, mom," Henry said, turning Regina's attention back to him, "But you've changed. You're a hero now, and defeating bad guys is what heroes do. I believe in you. Now, you need to believe, too."


Somewhere in the woods, near the farmhouse, Zelena had prepared a warehouse for the time spell. She entered the warehouse with the Charming's infant in her arms, "There's nothing more innocent than a newborn babe. And you, my sweet, are the most innocent of all. The product of the truest love." She said and placed him in a bowl opposite to Elias' gun and Charming's sword hilt, "See," She began and turned to Mr Gold, "Once I changed the past, you and I shall meet under different circumstances. And, Rumple, you will choose me. And I will be enough."

"No, you won't," Mr Gold told her, "And no matter, where you go in time, I will find a way to kill you."

Chuckling, Zelena enacted the time traveling spell. The infant boy gleamed bluish, while the brain, gun and sword hilt all lit up golden, and Regina's enchanted heart flared up ruddily. Pouring into the empty slots in the ground, all four viscous colors confluent in the middle of the structure, beginning to create a portal.

"Don't worry, dearie. Once all this is over, you won't remember a thing," Zelena said.

Just then, the twins, Charming siblings, Nadia, Regina, Killian and Robin entered the warehouse, all armed and ready, "It isn't over, yet," David said.

Zelena turned, facing the group, "And who's gonna stop me?" She questioned, "Certainly not the Saviors."

Emma nodded in the direction of their little brother, "Go, get him," She told her father, "We got your back."

"And I've got your heart," Elias rounded the warehouse toward Regina's heart, seeing his gun along the way, "My gun."

"I think you can get a new one," Athena commented.

"But I like that gun," Elias whined, but left it, only truly thinking about the heart.

"Rid me of those pests," Zelena commanded Mr Gold, who flicked his wrist, pushing Elias, Killian, Robin and the Charming siblings away from the portal.

He then turned to face Nadia and Emma, "Please, no more water," Nadia remarked.

"Get the dagger and the Dark One will be on your side," Mr Gold told them.

Waving his hand, Mr Gold flung Emma's pistole aside, "Easier said than done," She commented.

"Do as I say, or I will destroy you both. I have no choice," Mr Gold said and sent them both flying backwards.

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