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Regina walked down the stairs of her home and stopped in front of a rounded wall mirror, where she looked at herself as she put a pair of earrings on and touched up her hair. There was a sudden ring of the doorbell, making her walk over to the door and answer, only to see nothing, but a basket of green apples on the porch.

"A gift," She heard from inside her house, and turned to see Zelena stood in the foyer, "From sister to sister."

"What are you doing here?" Regina asked, shutting the door behind her.

"I saw your tree and I thought you could use something better," Zelena told her, and a red apple from off a table, "Red apples are so sickly sweet, don't you think? People tend to like something...a little sharper."

"And green apples are just...bitter," Regina said in return as she watched Zelena pick up a decoration, "That's not yours."

"Story of my life," Zelena remarked, setting it back down.

"Why are you here?" Regina asked.

"Oh, sisterly concerns, sisterly advice, you know," Zelena said as she made her way into the living room, "I wanted to make sure you were all right after our little showdown."

"I'm fine," Regina entered the living room to keep a close eye on her, "Are you?" She questioned.

"Getting there," Zelena answered as she examined the room around her, before taking a seat on the sofa, "This is nice, so luxurious. You really don't appreciate what you have, do you?"

"Right," Regina said, nodding slowly, "Because I got everything and you have nothing. If you want your superpower to be envy, go right ahead."

"Envy is just another word for ambition," Zelena told her.

"Well, that's just not true," Regina said.

"You see, I strive for things. I work. You?" Zelena scoffed, "You cast a curse that was just a fancy form of running away. With every advantage, you still turn your back on every opportunity for happiness," the brunette glared at the red-haired woman, "You, Regina? You just don't take risks, you don't live your life. It's such a waste," standing up, she made her way to the mantle, admiring the items displayed on it, "I can see why our mother was so disappointed in you."

"Disappointed in me?" Regina questioned, "She gave you away."

"You have no idea what really happened. That's exactly what's going to hurt you," Zelena said.

"You didn't come here to give me sisterly advice," Regina said, narrowing her eyes at her, "Why are you really here?"

"So perceptive. I'm here, Regina, because I wanted to make sure you weren't someplace else so I can take what I need...or rather, the Dark One could," Zelena told her and a smirk began to display itself across her face, "Do you feel it, sis? He's taking your heart?"

Regina quickly picked up a knife and threw it at her, only for it to miss Zelena, due to her disappearing in green smoke.


Somewhere in the woods near the edge of town, Mr Gold was stood opposite of Robin Hood and his Merry Men, all with their weapons ready, "Stop right there," Robin said to him, ready loosen his the arrow against his bow, "You know this arrow never misses its mark."

"If I could stand down, I would," Mr Gold said, "Heed me, give me the heart."

"He's not giving you anything," Mr Gold turned to see Elias approaching with his gun raised, "I don't want to shoot you, Gold," He said.

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