But the sluggishness was only for a moment. After his brain truly reflected what the boy in front of him said, the resentful spirit immediately nodded, nodding with such force that if it had been a human, his head would have fallen off: "Yes, I do!"

As if afraid that Natsume wouldn't believe it, the voice of the resentful spirit became louder and louder:

"I can pay whatever price you want!"

The resentful spirit said, ignoring the threat of the fox fire in Ba Wei's hand, and actually floated towards Natsume. .

"In that world, you can still continue to play tennis."

This was the last word the resentful spirit heard in this world. Along with Natsume's spell and handprints, the resentful spirit's figure became fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared.

Although Natsume is not a god of death, he still has the ability to send souls to Soul Society. In the end, the resentful spirit gave Natsume a grateful and bright smile.

"Click", the tennis racket that lost its host fell back, split instantly, and could no longer be used.

The warehouse was quiet again. Except for the broken racket, there was nothing to prove that a pair of master and servant had appeared here.


and Tomoe quietly returned to their room. From the beginning to the end, no one noticed that the master and servant had appeared.

Not long after returning to the room, a servant came over to invite Natsume and Tomoe to have dinner. After dinner, the main meal came.

Because the place where Matsumoto spent the longest time was the bedroom, so when the time came, the group of people all went to Matsumoto's bedroom, waiting for the vibrations and strange noises to appear.

Natsume and Tomoe looked at each other.

——Now that you have transformed the resentful spirits into Buddhas, do you think anything unusual will happen tonight?

——Yes, don’t forget that the resentful spirit said that the vibrations and strange noises in this villa were not solely due to him.

——Do you know the reason?

——Probably guessed it.

——Why don't you say it?

——I want to see Kudo Yusaku’s reasoning ability.

——What if he can’t reason it out?

——Let Matsumoto change his house. You can’t rely on me for everything, right?

The corner of Ba Wei's mouth twitched slightly, and he took the lead to look away. He suddenly felt that compared to the monster himself, his master's personality seemed to be cooler and more lively.

Why haven't I discovered that he has these "advantages" before?

No one noticed the exchange between Natsume and Tomoe, not because they hid it too well, but because everyone's attention had long been attracted by other things.

"Bang, bang, bang", "hee hee hee"... When

the time came, the room immediately began to vibrate, and all kinds of strange noises filled the ears. Not to mention that he had been frightened to the point of mental breakdown, even if he was brave enough Kudo Yukiko's face was also a little pale.


Kudo Yukiko held her husband's arm tightly, her feet became weak, and she no longer had the courage to catch ghosts.

Rebirth of Natsume: Demon Love [Comprehensive Manga]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن