Who is Kudo Yusaku? Famous mystery writer! As a friend of Kudo Yukiko, he should know Kudo Yusaku, so why did he ask Kudo Yusaku to go?

Is there some case?

Natsume was thinking this, and Kudo Shinichi had the same idea as him.

It seems interesting to watch the father of Wannian elementary school student solve the case!

Natsume was already a little shaken.

At this time, Kudo Yukiko clasped her hands and looked at Natsume, with ardent hope in her eyes: "

Even if you are not interested in professional tennis players, just go and keep Xiaoxin company, okay? I will be embarrassed if Xiaoxin doesn't go, Natsume Sauce!"

- Is our relationship that good?

Looking at the familiar Kudo Yukiko, Natsume secretly shook his head and nodded in agreement according to her words.

The excited Kudo Yukiko didn't know that Natsume agreed only because of her unintentional words.

Of course, Natsume would not leave Tomoe alone at home, and asked Kudo Yukiko if she could take one more person with her. Kudo Yukiko, who immediately understood who Natsume wanted to take, readily agreed.

At this time, let alone one person, even two or three Kudo Yukiko would not have a second thought, as long as Natsume can go to the party!


Yukiko and the other three left, Natsume closed the door and went back to the house. Tomoe didn't say anything about his decision. Not to mention just attending a party, even if Natsume asked him to fight a powerful monster, he wouldn't have any objections. .

This is Tomoe's loyalty to Natsume.

On Saturday, after formally dressed Natsume and Tomoe met the Kudo family, they set off together to the villa of the professional tennis player named Matsumoto.

After arriving, the Kudo family was warmly welcomed by the owner Matsumoto, especially when he looked at Kudo Shinichi's fiery eyes. If he didn't know better, he would have thought there was something wrong with his sexual orientation.

Matsumoto is a man in his thirties. He has a very good figure due to long-term exercise, but he cannot hide the dark circles under his eyes. Except for Kudo Yusaku, his smile when looking at others seems forced.

Seeing this, Natsume became more certain about his guess. Only someone who was troubled by something would look forward to the arrival of the detective so much, and his mental state was also very bad.

Matsumoto's attitude towards Natsume and Tomoe who came with him was very rude and polite. Natsume didn't pay attention. Anyway, the purpose of his coming here was not to establish a good relationship with Matsumoto.

Compared to Natsume, who was indifferent, Tomoe looked at Matsumoto with a much less kind look -

Natsume came to the party to give him face, it was just that he didn't go out of his way to welcome him, and to be so negligent, he really lacked a lesson!

Thinking of this, Ba Wei's eyes flashed and he had an idea.

Poor Mr. Matsumoto, don't be too unlucky to offend a vengeful demon fox!


all the invited people arrived, and Matsumoto stood in the center holding a cup and began to speak.

The others were all too proud to say anything, and Matsumoto was the only voice in the entire hall.

At this time, Ba Wei secretly made a hand gesture, and a demonic force twisted between his fingers, and then he flicked it lightly and landed silently on Matsumoto in the center.

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