Ryugen Ishida looked at Natsume as if he were an idiot:

"I really don't want to admit that I know you. , How foolhardy do you have to be?"

Ryugen Ishida didn't care whether it would hurt Natsume's "fragile" "little heart", but he said rude words one after another: "I really think that I have spiritual power and I can conquer the world.

" Invincible? Have you forgotten how we met in the first place?"

How could Natsume forget that scene that day? That was the first day he was reborn into this world, and Ishida Ryugen was not only the first living person he saw, but also saved his life from Xu's mouth.

Therefore, even without the help from Ryugen Ishida, he will definitely be a special existence for Natsume.

Even though the way of existence is different from that of Ba Wei, the importance is the same.

"Higurashi Shrine? Wait for me to arrange things in the hospital, and then I will go with you."

Ishida Ryugen didn't give Natsume a chance to refute at all, and decided so "happily": "

If you dare to take the lead and secretly Run away and you decide what the consequences will be, unless you leave this city completely."


When Natsume returned home, Tomoe saw Natsume, and then he felt something was wrong.

Although it wasn't obvious, Natsume still had a look of helplessness on her face.

"What's the matter, Xiaozhi, did you have trouble going to Ishida Ryugen today?"

This is the only reason that Ba Wei can think of, and it is indeed the case.

"To be honest, I don't know whether to say it went well or not."

Natsume said calmly. He had completely calmed down his mood. Forget it, just be an extra bodyguard. Ishida Ryugen couldn't harm him anyway:

"It's just that he insisted on going with me, and I couldn't refuse."

"So you rejected me and agreed to take him with you?"

Ba Wei's expression was a little dangerous: "Is it

because I'm easier to bully?"

It's really not a very good fact. Even if he knows that Natsume's trip should not be dangerous, leaving Tomoe waiting at home alone is a kind of torture for him.

However, out of respect for Natsume, Tomoe followed Natsume's orders.

And what does it mean now that Ryugen Ishida wants to go with him?

Tomoe, who was becoming more and more unhappy, instantly decided to be willful:

"Since Ishida Ryugen is going with you, then I am not the only one left, and I will go too."

Natsume had already guessed what Tomoe was before he came back. reaction, so there was no expression of surprise on his face.

In other words, while he had to agree to Ryugen Ishida, he had actually decided to take Tomoe along with him: "

Okay, if you want to go, let's go together."

Natsume's agreement came too suddenly, which actually made her originally thinking Tomoe, who was about to cry, make trouble, and hang himself, was stunned for a moment. The cute expression made Natsume flash a smile in his eyes - even for Tomoe's expression, it was worth taking him with him

. The fare is back.


"Is this here?"

Late at night, three figures appeared in Higurashi Shrine. Looking at the old small ancestral hall in front of them, the young man with short silver hair spoke first.

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