
Becky's POV

As the night wore on, the older generation was engrossed in their conversations and social circles, leaving us, the next generation of business leaders, to mingle in our own way. It was an opportunity for us to bond and discuss the future direction of our family's business.

But, above all, it was a prime opportunity for me to engage in a conversation with Freen.

I spotted Freen and her brother Saint approaching our side of the table, and the sight of her drawing closer sent my heart into a frenzied rhythm. She glanced in my direction and offered a smile. As she walked towards me, smiling all the while, she called out, "Patricia!"

"Patricia? She never calls me just that, my second name" I thought. The confusion and shock struck me, yet I brushed it aside, impatient for our interaction. In anticipation of our contact, I wore a broad smile, stepped forward eager to greet her warmly – but she just walked right past me!

"What the hell!" I exclaimed inwardly, the shock and disappointment washing over me like a tidal wave.

My brother leaned in and whispered, "Calm down... Becky... You know you can't just expect her to hug and smile right at you... after all you broke her heart"

Though his words were undeniably true, I couldn't help but feel the pain of what she had done. I hoped I could ignore her, just as she had ignored me.

I turned to Saint, who was now standing right beside us, and asked, "Who is she?" The question hung in the air, highlighting the mystery of the situation.

Saint clarified, "She's the daughter of my father's new business partner from England. It turns out they became friends when Freen was in England for her bar adventure nurturing a broken heart"

This explanation shed light on the situation but left me with lingering questions and a sense of unease.

Freen gestured for the girl to join us and proceeded with the introductions. "Patricia, allow me to introduce you to the Armstrongs. Richard here is the heir to Armstrong Advertisings, and the lady beside him is Rebecca, the Armstrong princess. And this is Patricia Good, the Lady of Good Technology Empire." Her words conveyed a sense of formality, and I exchanged polite greetings with the newcomers.

Freen introduced us without meeting my eyes, a subtle yet telling detail that didn't go unnoticed.

My gaze involuntarily drifted to the sight of Freen's arms encircling her waist. The revealing nature of her dress, with their skin touching each other, only added to the fire of my jealousy. I couldn't help but resent myself for noticing even the smallest details, adding to the turbulent emotions I was experiencing.

After the introductions and pleasantries, Freen and Patricia excused themselves. The urge to reach for Freen's hand and plead with her to stay was strong, but I resisted the impulse. I knew I needed to find a way to have a private moment with her, to address the unresolved emotions that lingered between us and, hopefully, pave the way for a deeper conversation.

Sadly, as the night wore on, Freen and Patricia remained glued to each other's side. Their laughter and joy were like daggers to my heart, and I couldn't shake the burning jealousy that consumed me. It was agonizing to witness her happiness in another's presence, a role that had once been mine to cherish. The pain and longing within me swirled into a tempest, and I found myself yearning desperately to reclaim the place that had once been mine in her heart.

With a heavy heart, I continued to observe from a distance, knowing that I needed to be patient and wait for the right opportunity to approach Freen; the night was far from over!

My heart skipped a beat as I noticed Freen walking toward the balcony, perhaps seeking a moment of respite from the festivities. This could be my chance, I thought. Without hesitation, I decided to follow her, hoping for a private conversation as my first step to get her back.

As I stepped onto the balcony, I found Freen leaning against the railing, her gaze fixed on the night sky. The soft moonlight bathed her in a gentle radiance, and the world around us seemed to fall silent, as if holding its breath.

Summoning all my courage, I approached her, my heart pounding with a blend of trepidation and optimism. I cleared my throat to capture her attention.

She glanced at me, "Oh, hi, Rebecca." Her tone was courteous but distant, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment.

"Hello... my love," I whispered softly, my words filled with a depth of emotion and longing that had never truly faded.

Freen's eyes widened at my endearing words, and for a moment, her composure wavered. The tension in the air was palpable, and I could see the conflict within her as she struggled to maintain a facade of detachment.

"I didn't expect to see you here," she replied, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

I took a deep breath, the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the present pressing down on me. "I couldn't stay away, Freen," I admitted, my voice filled with a sincerity that couldn't be denied. "There are things we need to talk about."

Freen's gaze met mine, her eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions. "I don't think there's anything left to discuss," she said, her words heavy.

Her words cut through me like a thousand blades, but I couldn't let the opportunity slip away. With an ache in my heart, I pushed my words out of me,

"I suffer the weight of the pain I've caused you, and I know I can't rewrite what had happened, no matter the regret I have, or how sorry I am.

But Freen... I need to know if there's a shred of hope left for us. Can the love we once shared be saved, or is it truly beyond reach?" My voice trembled with the intensity of my emotions, each word a desperate plea for a second chance

The balcony descended into a heavy silence as I awaited Freen's response. Her words, when they emerged, felt like a chilling gust of wind on a desolate night. " I can't seem to find the right words in response to what you just said. I'm sorry, but I need to return inside," she uttered, her voice laden with the weight of her pain, and her tone carrying a finality that reverberated in the obscurity.

Just as I was on the brink of pleading with Freen to stay, Patricia appeared, her voice cutting through the moment like a knife. "Oh, there you are, babe. I've been searching for you."

Freen turned to Patricia, and the bond we once had seemed to shatter. I couldn't ignore the endearing term Patricia used for Freen. A wave of torment washed over me as they walked away, leaving me to confront my emotions in the desolation of the balcony.

My heart ached with a searing pain as I couldn't help but question, are they now a couple? Had Freen so easily replaced me, erasing our history and love as if they meant nothing?

In the span of barely two weeks, the idea that she might have found someone else sliced through my heart like a dagger, leaving me with an intense pain and an overwhelming sense of betrayal.

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