[92] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: The Second Watch

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After You Huo gathered more information from the priest and the tattered witchcraft book, he was more or less able to piece together 80-90% of the truth.

After some thought, he returned to the dungeon and picked the witchdoctor up.

"Ahh... it's really happening..." An invigilator scratched the back of his head, clearly agitated by what was going on.

They had seen what Qin Jiu was planning, and the two great masters usually shared the same mindset when it came to things like this...

Things may not have gone as planned, since You Huo was missing quite a bit of context, but to see all this playing out...

Qin Jiu was really going to become the "Duke", and You Huo, since the witchdoctor was an asshole and definitely wasn't going to agree to let himself get killed, would become the "witchdoctor" and allow himself to be killed.

It was actually going to be happening.

Holy shit-

In order to set the dead free, two people must die.

The Duke and the witchdoctor.

"... Wait, A, how did you..." A hardliner frowned, and turned to You Huo.

How did he know that... the witchdoctor, too, must die?

As scared of You Huo as the witchdoctor was, surely he wasn't that stupid and suicidal enough to tell You Huo that he, too, had to die to end this never-ending cycle of pain and suffering...

You Huo merely shrugged, his brows still slightly creased, obviously upset at how things were playing out, and yet, knowing that this was the best course of action to take, before nodding in the direction of the viewing experience; it would probably, as usual, be explained later.

The priest had said that if the castle is burnt down the moment the curse is lifted, maybe... just maybe, the victims of this curse could be brought back.

Both the witchdoctor and Duke would not have been resurrected, and the victims wouldn't have died.

"... Ah... I see..." One of the examinees nodded.

"See what?" Someone tilted his head slightly, "I still don't... really get it..."


The examinees who did seem to figure something out opted to turn to the invigilators instead.

They may have figured something out... but they were still speculations, and they didn't want to spread around incorrect information should their assumptions be wrong.

078 let out a small sigh, and explained, "The Duke is stealing the lives of the victims, and the witchdoctor, who taught him this in the first place, is likely also benefiting from it. But all that "life" that was taken is still there, sustaining those bastards. A has concluded that if both the witchdoctor and the Duke are dead, all this wouldn't have happened in the first place, and all that "life" would be returned to their rightful owners."

"Ohh..." The examinees all nodded in understanding, "Okay, got it now."

So it wasn't that You Huo knew that the witchdoctor was a requirement in freeing those who had been taken out by the Duke; he just figured that since they both used this black magic to sustain their lives, killing both people who were capable of using such vile witchcraft would be sufficient to cover all their bases, and put an end to this perpetual cycle of pain and suffering.

"I will send you off one last time" [Global Examination]Where stories live. Discover now