[53] You Seem Delicious: Video

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The darkness here was impenetrable by light, but with explosives, it was possible.

For a moment, the light was a little dazzling. It pierced through the ruins shrouded in darkness, illuminating half the sky.

154 pulled the hood of his hoodie (nope, that wasn't his hoodie, that was technically Wen Yuan's) over his head and over his eyes.

He just... didn't want to watch anymore.

You Huo suddenly recalled the day when the vision in his eyes were restored. The gauze over his eyes had not yet been completely removed but the light that he had not seen for a long time penetrated through those meshes. Although it couldn't be said that it brought him joy, it allowed him to slacken and relax.

154 peeked out from underneath his hood. Many of the other examinees were also looking at You Huo, as were the invigilators.

You Huo just... never seemed like someone who would suffer from blindness. He was smart, he was strong, he just seemed... infallible.

Heck, even if he did go blind, everyone was certain that he could still kick their asses to the moon and back.

And yet... they couldn't help but feel glad. Not that he had gotten injured, but the blindness and subsequent recovery meant that he had gotten out of the System and was alright.

As for what caused his blindness... that still remained to be seen, but everyone, even some of the braver and stronger examinees, were willing to go out and beat up anything that dared to hurt Invigilator A; You Huo had probably been suffering in the System way more than they were. While they did have to wrack their brains to solve these ridiculous exams... ultimately, most of them accepted that they could not save everyone. Death was inevitable, and most had chosen to forget and move on, for the sake for their sanity.

You Huo was the one being burdened by the deaths of everyone in the System. Every single person who was injured, dead, turning to NPCs... they all weighed heavily on You Huo's soul. It wasn't him who wanted this not happen, nor did he cause all this, but he was the Head Invigilator, and he had to take on the responsibility to fix this issue.


"Laughed?" Qin Jiu glanced at You Huo. He picked up another explosive and skillfully loaded it.

He squinted his eyes and again fired another one at the sky.

The recoil from it caused dust around him to scatter.

Even while standing in a safe area, he could still feel the heat from the explosives.

078 audibly groaned, "Why us..."

The original invigilators all shuddered.

As bad as Qin Jiu was in his examinee days... at least, his confinement room was apparently empty, so he never had the chance to load fucking bazookas and somehow make things explode while in the invigilator's quarters...

They silently said some prayers for the four unfortunate souls.

You Huo patted Qin Jiu's shoulder.


"Oh fuck." Wen Yuan couldn't help but curse.

Qin Jiu burst out into uncontrollable laughter at that point. Chu Yue wasn't even trying to hold her amusement in, and instead of scolding poor Wen Yuan (because that would be any normal response to someone shooting off explosives in a confinement room, illusion or not), You Huo glared begrudging at the current and future Head Invigilators.

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