[4] The Last Supper: Entering Twice

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When You Huo came out of the confinement room, the corridor was completely silent.

"Hey, where did 154 go?"

"Cleaning up the confinement room?" An invigilator asked, equally confused, "Though... there's nothing to clear?"

"Maybe he went to find 001 and 922?"

"Yeah, but he shouldn't be letting an examinee wander around on his own..."

The room opposite his containing the bald man had no noise. There was only blood flowing out from the room.

Everyone winced; they already saw the blood before, but they had been distracted by the fact that Invigilator A was potentially going to be put into a confinement room.

It was only now that they realized just how much damn blood there was...

He frowned slightly in disgust and walked around the blood stains.

After for a short time, he suddenly stopped his steps.

There was a strange feeling of being watched from the shadows. Like something was looking down at him. Like a pair of lifeless eyes staring at him quietly.

You Huo looked up.

Above him was a white ceiling. Apart from a dim light, there wasn't anything else.

"Wait... he can... feel it?" An examinee squeaked.

The invigilators all shared a look. They had all been teleported into the room while they had been distracted with their argument, and amongst them, Qin Jiu had been the first to notice that something was different. But even after he noticed it, You Huo didn't seem surprised in the slightest... did he already detect that something was off, and was trying to figure out what exactly was going on?

All of them knew that the System was watching them, so the feeling of being watched came naturally with that knowledge. But for an amnesiac You Huo to be able to detect the feeling of being watched after being outside the System...

Was the feeling of being watched just so natural? Had the System been hovering around You Huo so much, to the point that he closed himself off from everything? To feel the System staring, making note of every single movement he made... every single twitch, every single movement...

To not even have a single moment to oneself... It was a terrifying thought.

"Oh fuck! I almost slept past the punishment time. That damned deadpanned face didn't-" Someone rushed down from upstairs and when he turned the corner, he quickly stepped onto his brakes.

"Really? "damned deadpanned face"?" 154 grumbled, and Wen Yuan argued, "Well, you didn't wake me up."

"Do I look like an alarm clock to you!? Why are you even sleeping during invigilation!?"

"I don't know, maybe I was up all night for something else?"

154 and Wen Yuan glared at each other, before sighing, silently deciding to not argue. They didn't know what their previous selves were doing before this; for all they knew, 922 could have been pulling several all-nighters in a row.

"You! Cough, you're out?"

You Huo retracted his gaze from the ceiling.

It didn't matter. Once the System knew that You Huo was the previous Head Invigilator... there was no doubt that it would be stalking You Huo obsessively, trying to figure out why he was back here again...

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