[82] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: Guests Camouflaged as Villains

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A/N I finally updated aha...

This chapter was actually finished like 3 days ago, I just didn't want to proofread it...


Gao Qi immediately threw out curses and pulled out a knife from his waist.

Several people's gazes flickered from future Gao Qi to their current Gao Qi, who was still spewing out curses at the "patient" like it was going out of style.

Yep, that was definitely Gao Qi, alright...

The knife was something he had picked up before they went out. It was the one he had used when he was sleepwalking. He intuitively felt that the town wasn't safe and stored it there just in case. He didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

Many invigilators nodded approvingly.

They actually doubted that the examinees had any proper gear on hand, so it was nice to know that, at the very least, Gao Qi had a usable weapon.

Of course... it would have been better if they could have stopped the patient before he had grabbed onto You Huo in the first place... as much as they knew that something like this was quite inevitable, and if it wasn't You Huo, someone else would have been grabbed instead... and that You Huo literally didn't give any shits about being infected...

Gao Qi had always strongly favored his friends. If anyone dared to touch his brothers, he would cut their hands off.

The moderates all snickered as the examinees (and 078) looked at Gao Qi with abject horror.

Sure, a situation like this wasn't ideal, but cutting off the hand off a poor infected patient... wasn't that just unwarranted?

The NPCs had already been suffering enough from the infection... and it wasn't like it was the NPC's fault, not like with the Duke; the poor guy was just sick and wanted some help and comfort...

"He's... joking, right?" An examinee whispered, shuddering uneasily.

It wasn't a joke.


Several people gulped in fear, and from how casually Gao Qi and the other invigilators reacted to this whole thing...

Regardless how childish, immature, and ridiculously Gao Qi acted... they were once again reminded that he was still one of the first generation invigilators, and that he wasn't someone to be trifled with either. They were the strongest and sharpest the military had to offer, and had no qualms doing what had to be done in order to protect the people they cared about.

Not to mention... they had been in the System the longest, and had probably grown used to the idea of NPCs roaming around the exam centers, and had mentally segregated them from real, living people.

It was just that You Huo and Qin Jiu were just way too overwhelmingly powerful, and completely overshadowed everyone else.

Unexpectedly, just as the tip of his knife was about to pierce through, another person was a step ahead.

A slender and powerful hand grabbed the "patient's" arm that was covered with bloody sores and rotting flesh and twisted it in the opposite direction.

There was a crack.

Everyone instinctively flinched at the piercing sound of bones cracking.

Their minds had just caught up with the happenings of the viewing experience, and had just barely processed the fact that someone had grabbed the patient moments prior with absolutely no regard for their safety or health...

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