[73] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: Violation Record

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It took some time, but eventually, Qin Jiu and Chu Yue's laughter died down, and everyone had sufficient time to process everything.

"Aww, man... I would have paid to see the System reacting to so many of you guys..." Chu Yue stifled a snicker, and You Huo rolled his eyes at her, "You go complete or clean that exam. I'll even find the exam's ID code for you."

"Nah, not fun enough." Chu Yue shook her head, "This shit is good, though. That was awesome."

One could tell that a bug had arisen because they had played a little too hard.

While the people and scenery turned still, there was one exception-

It was the blazing fire.

The school was being engulfed in flames.

All this destruction had been caused by the examinees, and could not be immediately remedied by the examination stalling.

You Huo looked at the fire thoughtfully.

Thick smoke billowed out, obstructing their visibility.

Those clear and vivid teachers and students gradually became blurred, eventually disappearing amongst the dark grey smoke.

It can easily make people feel a little down.


In all the excitement, with You Huo and Qin Jiu fighting the monsters or getting the monsters to clean themselves up, protecting the terrorized students...

Somehow, some of them had forgotten that these kids were NPCs.

Because there were a few moments where they seemed very real.

As if there really was a school like this; as if there really was a stern director who liked to wear one piece dresses; as if there really were young teachers who always couldn't sleep well; as if there was a short and round little fatty and as if there were girls who even dared to hit the ghosts.

They weren't real, even if they were saved, they would forever be trapped in this examination center, waiting for more "transfer students" to come in, and start the curse all over again.

The stalling of the examination center, making sure it was broken, and never able to be used again... maybe it was a better fate for them.

No more nightmares, no more horrors, just a peaceful, quiet existence... if that could even be considered an existence.

You Huo wondered if any of them may have been an examinee once.

Just like Zhao Wentu, because of giving the wrong answer or something, they were turned into NPC and left here.

Some people lowered their heads.

Perhaps, someone had been consumed by a nightmare, and a student had also perished during the nightly rampage, and the examinee had ended up taking the student's place.

They would forever be haunted by various nightmares and night terrors from various examinees, bringing in other horrors that had been witnessed in other examination centers, never able to escape the cycle. Death was a one way street, and there was no coming back from the afterlife...

It wasn't out of the realm of possibility... and that was just depressing.

"Distracted again?" Qin Jiu leaned over and asked.

"... No."

You Huo's footsteps stopped.

"What's up now?" Someone muttered quietly.

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