[51] You Seem Delicious: Meeting but Not Recognizing

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After everyone had eaten their fill (the invigilators had all rushed through their food, though out of the corners of their eyes, they were watching Chu Yue harassing the poor helpless 154 while Wen Yuan tried to rescue his buddy), they finally went back to the room to continue the viewing experience.

You Huo and Qin Jiu had come out late, presumably because they were discussing something, so Wen Yuan had just packed up some food for them to eat during the viewing session itself.

078 had also decided that he wanted to sit with his new friends, dragging a rather unwilling 021 (she was secretly all for it) along with him. 021 just brought along another beanbag; she didn't think that five people could squeeze into one, and 078 just hopped in and joined 154 and Wen Yuan while 021 and Shu Xue chilled together.

She had to admit, maybe 154 and Wen Yuan were onto something; this seemed quite fun, and it was nice and cosy.

The door was already opened slightly.

Light filtered in through the small slit, illuminating Miss Decisive's green face.

"If I were her, I wouldn't want to do it either..." A moderate blanched, "You've already seen how much chaos the two cause together... and now, in the confinement room, where they can't be monitored..."

"Which is precisely why they have to share a confinement room." A hardliner countered, equally green, as if there mere thought made her sick, "If they're going to discuss sensitive topic about the System, they have to do it in a confinement room..."

... But who knows what kind of crap they'd get up to...

They glanced warily at the two great masters... who were just munching away on their lunch like they were merely having a panic. Qin Jiu's posture was way more relaxed, while You Huo was sitting up elegantly, somehow still looking prim and proper and perfectly handsome and refined as he calmly took a bite out of his noodles.

"Can it be done?" asked You Huo.

021 felt conflicted internally, "... No."

You Huo looked at her silently.

It definitely wasn't something that 021 could easily do.

She wasn't the type to propose an idea such as letting the duo share a confinement room to "amplify" the effects of the punishment... so if she were to bring it up, there was no doubt that the two idiots 078 and 922 could tell that something was up (poor 154 was pretty much out of commissions from seasickness).

She then added: "It is very difficult, and dangerous."

You Huo: "For example?"

"For example..." 021 racked her brains, "This happened once before. An invigilator made a mistake and locked an examinee in an already occupied room."

Some people glanced at Wen Yuan.

If not for the fact that in the future, he and 154 were practically joined at the hip, and there was no way that the latter would allow something of this nature to happen... they would assume that the invigilator in question would be Wen Yuan.

Not that he'd do it out of any malicious intent, Wen Yuan was a bit too innocent for that, but the guy was a little dumb and clumsy, so he might do it by accident...

Wen Yuan couldn't help but frown. He didn't know what everyone's thoughts were, but from the gazes alone, it wasn't too hard to guess.

He rested his chin on 154's shoulder as he pouted, as the younger patted his back reassuringly.

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