[39] You Seem Delicious: Small Medicine Box

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You Huo and Qin Jiu entered the cave one after another, and the people inside all looked over.

Although the weather was bleak and it was evening, the cave wasn't completely dark.

Several kerosene lamps sat on the ground, projecting into the cave. Human figures sat around at the edges of the illuminated areas.

The examinees and invigilators squinted.

The other examinees seemed to be doing okay. No old ladies, children, or even more pregnant women... or even people who seemed to be suffering from major injuries or chronic illnesses.

The last thing they needed was even more people who were unsuited for this kind of weather. At least, the Optics exam took place in a cabin with a fireplace.

You Huo glanced around.

There were both men and women around. Except for a few middle-aged people, the rest of them were rather young.

Unlike the ones carrying people out earlier, the people here were not wearing the same clothes. Down jackets, jackets, coats, sweaters... They were wrapped in almost everything. There was even one wearing a white doctors coat.

"Oh! There's a doctor!" A reserve invigilator perked up, "That's good!"

Do not let any of the crew members die.

There was nothing they could do about the NPCs that were already dead, and in a frozen tundra such as this... there was no doubt that any infections or bacteria on the corpses would spread, and that was also not considering the crew members' lack of food from being trapped here for so long...

After roughly counting thirty or so people, it was evident that they were probably the other 17 groups of examinees.

Right next to the person wearing the white coat, You Huo found a familiar face-

Shu Xue waved at them with bright eyes and patted the vacant spot next to her to signal them to come over.

Qin Jiu shot Shu Xue a friendly thumbs up.

Shu Xue beamed back at him.

It was quite a wholesome exchange.

You Huo nodded his head but just as he was about to go over, Qin Jiu said: "Wait a moment."

Then, under the gaze of the other examinees, he dragged a suitcase in from outside the cave.


The examinees instantly went crazy.

Qin Jiu snorted in amusement.

The other invigilators were equally amused by their reaction... but they didn't blame them.

They were probably already on their third exam, and this asshole just struts up with a whole as suitcase without a care in the world.

They burst into loud discussions.

An examinee didn't suppress his voice so his words were especially clear: "...Were you pulled in while you were on a business trip? It's already the third exam yet you're still dragging around a suitcase. It's no wonder you're second last!"

The examinees all froze, but Qin Jiu couldn't help but laugh out loud at the fucking audacity of this kid.

First Yu Wen, then this other kid who looked like h was fresh out of high school...

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