[91] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: The First Watch

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A/N Oh boy, I was going to finish this earlier but I went overseas and barely touched my laptop at all ahaha... Sowwy QwQ

This (and a few more) chapter don't have translated chapter titles by KK Translates so I actually found the Chinese version of Global Examination and translated the chapter titles from there.

The title of this chapter in Chinese is "一更".

One night is separated into five sections, for night watches (I think) each of which are two hour periods starting from 7 pm. So "一更" basically means the "First two hour period of the night" or "7pm to 9pm", which I don't think is a very nice title ahaha so I just called this chapter "The First Watch" XD.


The Duke had only briefly visited the head butler's room to appease the pig but when he returned to his room, he noticed that something wasn't right.

"Of course something isn't right!" Gao Qi rolled his eyes, "You aren't right! Drop dead already!"

"If yelling at him to drop dead was enough to kill him, they wouldn't be stuck in this situation." A hardliner rolled his eyes, smacking Gao Qi on the back, "Now shush!"

Gao Qi was just about to retort, but one sharp glance by You Huo was more than enough to shut him up.

You Huo was already sufficiently agitated, knowing that Qin Jiu had a head start on him... and that since they were now viewing any events involving the Duke, it was very likely that this was all going to be Qin Jiu's doing.

The sheets on the bed had extra wrinkles and even a corner of the black mattress under the sheets was now revealed.

This was his restricted area!

You Huo: "..."

"Three guesses, who it is." Invigilator F stated blankly, but from the expressions on everyone else's faces, it was far too obvious who the perpetrator was, especially since You Huo, presumably, was still with the witchdoctor, which only left one great master who had a three hour head start in his investigation.

"Alyssa?" The Duke slowly walked over and knelt down by the bed.

The space under the bed was empty. The crimson coffin was gone.

His Alyssa was gone!


Many people couldn't help but look at Qin Jiu in confusion.

Of all the things he had to mess with... why the coffin, with the corpse of the dead Duchess hidden within...

Though, to them, the more important question was why the hell someone would want to hide a whole ass corpse under their beds.

Cremations were one thing, allowing family members to take home the ashes of their dead loved ones in a cremate jar... but a corpse!?

Under the bed, of all places!?

This whole exam was just a mess...

"Who?!" The Duke was furious. His eyes went red with anger.

A light chuckle suddenly sounded behind him.

"Yep." Zhao Jiatong's expression was a mix between being tired and just being plain exasperated, "That's GIN alright."

Everyone else nodded.

Of course, they already knew before that it was GIN, since he was really the only one who would dare to confront the Duke, even in his state, but still, it was still very nice to have the confirmation.

"I will send you off one last time" [Global Examination]Where stories live. Discover now