[65] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: The Past (2)

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"He... you... jumped!?" 154 couldn't help but splutter. As a former part of the System that had been kicked out rather early on, he hadn't actually seen people being sent for punishment; even if he did, 154 probably no longer remembered it, since he had been disconnected from the System's main body.

But this was probably the most enthusiastic he'd imagine someone going for their punishment.

"Why not?" Qin Jiu snickered at the expression on his future-subordinate's face.

154 looked like he was at a complete loss for words, and 078 and 021 shot him sympathetic looks for having to deal with that kind of boss while Wen Yuan patted his back reassuringly, also unable to say anything.

The time it takes for one to clean an examination center can vary.

On one hand, it depended on whether the examinee is powerful enough.

"Well... we don't have to worry about that." A hardliner grinned.

On the other hand, it depended on luck.


They weren't actually sure if that was an issue or not.

Qin Jiu was a God of Misfortune... but while he usually suffered from bad luck, there was actually a pretty high chance that his bad luck would infect the System and exam center he was cleaning, adding more victims to his streaks of bad luck.

If they were allocated a simple exam center, there was less trouble. If they were allocated a difficult one, even their lives could be lost.

The punishment time specified by the system was three days.

The old main had been watching over this place for a long time so he had also seen many things.

In general, when the three days are up, the examinees will still be nowhere in sight. The invigilator responsible would need to go down and pick them up for the punishment to be considered as complete.

Or, they were dead.

They had failed to clean the exam, and they were killed by whatever horrors they were supposed to clear up...

That had also been a possible reason why the examinees didn't return.

Considering that when he didn't have to operate the punishment sector, he spent most of his time sleeping... it wasn't surprising that it was something that the jaded old man probably hadn't taken into account.

But Qin Jiu was always an exception. He would always finish in advance.

Sometimes, it was half a day. Other times, it was a whole day.

Qin Jiu and Chu Yue couldn't help but laugh.

Oh, there was no way the System wouldn't be upset about that... its most infamous examinee, taking on a punishments like it was a walk in the park, and then going on to fuck up more examination centers like he were merely getting breakfast...

The old man no longer remembered the specifics. He just remembered that there was one time where Qin Jiu overdid it...

"When does he not overdo it?" A moderate sighed, and several other invigilators nodded in agreement.

After Qin Jiu jumped out that day, the French windows were closed up again.

Torrential rain outside had not stopped. It continued to smack against the glass.

"I will send you off one last time" [Global Examination]Where stories live. Discover now