[43] You Seem Delicious: Fragmented Memory

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Zhao Wentu's diary entry for his first exam was more like a "Diary of Brother Qin". Qin Jiu occupied more space in the entries than he himself.

Perhaps it was because of the dangerous environment at that time and the fact that Qin Jiu was too outstanding in the team, he became the most memorable person in the diary.

Qin Jiu decided that he'd quite like to meet Zhao Wentu again.

Maybe in the real world, after they free everyone from the System, once they figured out just what went wrong with their original plan...

Three exams with this guy... Qin Jiu felt that he'd be very easy to get along with.

However, this was only comparatively speaking.

Zhao Wentu's diary wasn't very detailed. At least, it wasn't enough for others to imagine the events.

But several times Qin Jiu felt a faint sense of familiarity.

It was as if those forgotten memories could be remembered if he read more of the entries.

Thank you, Zhao Wentu...

Qin Jiu was quite thankful that he had been entrusted with these diary entries, and future him could use them to jog his memories...

Qin Jiu read on.

However, over the next few days Zhao Wentu only mentioned him a few times.

Because while the others went to the rest stop after completing the exam, Qin Jiu didn't go and was getting punished at the invigilator's place...

Qin Jiu pouted; he really wanted to know what happened in the past...

The invigilators were probably barred from speaking about anything, and this operation to take out the System was probably kept a secret from them as well.

And with You Huo memory wiped and Chu Yue sent away, the only other person who probably knew the truth was 154, but he was far too busy hiding from the System, so Qin Jiu didn't blame him for not helping to remember.

As for himself... well, he'd probably did his best to busy himself with work and tried not to think about his missing memories for too long.

If he thought about it too much, much like 078, it would probably frustrate him to death.

This diary was the biggest lead he'd had in forever.

But then again, Qin Jiu did prefer Zhao Wentu being safe and sound at the Rest Stop, while he was being punished. He's been through enough already... and knowing that he was going to meet his demise in the Romani exam...

It wasn't until a few pages later that his name appeared again.

Exam break day 5


The same thing happened to me again this morning.

As soon as I pulled open the curtains and saw the high-rise buildings outside, I would always feel as if I had just woken up after a nap at home.

Some people sighed.

That was all to relatable. The Rest Stops were mostly cabins and hotel rooms, and were actually pretty comfortable.

And considering just how terrifying these exams were... there were far too many times where they were just hoping that this was just a horrifying nightmare, and they'd wake up in their own beds, safe and sound.

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