[59] You Seem Delicious: Pale Faced Army

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As soon as the fire inside the cave went out, everyone knew that the monster was here again.

The darkness only lasted for a moment.

Everyone remained silent. There was nothing they could do but pray that Chen Fei and Huang Rui could get away from the hungry octopus before it ate them.

With prior experience, everyone managed to restart the fire very quickly.

But when the cave was bright again, Chen Fei and Huang Rui unfortunately had already disappeared. The system had once again quietly sent the last ranked examinees over to the monster.

Just like Qin Jiu and You Huo last ti... Huh?


Everyone looked around the small cave area. It wasn't like there was any place for You Huo to hide... not that he was the kind of person to hide anyways, but that was besides the point.

"Where is A?" Zhao Jiatong squinted, trying to look around the room for her boss, to no avail.

"Where's Brother You?" Di Li was a little confused.

He now regarded You Huo and Qin Jiu as something on par to cram study sessions and would stare at them all day long without averting his gaze.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, some people couldn't help but snicker at Di Li's description of the two great masters.

They were definitely a cram study session... if the exam in question was this nutso System exam.

But now, one of them was gone.

"Isn't he her-"

Shu Xue turned around and pointed behind her only to find that there was only Qin Jiu there.

There was an empty space on his left. Before the monster's arrival, You Huo was standing there but now not even a shadow was left behind.

"Qin Jiu..." Gao Qi started, but someone threw a pillow at him.

"Oh, come on, I'm not out to get him all the time!" Qin Jiu pouted, only for everyone to turn their unbelieving stares at him.

"Yeah, right." Invigilator F snorted, without any heat behind his words; You Huo and Qin Jiu already made it clear that most of their bickering and fights were just to put up a front for the System that the moderates and hardliners would never be able to work together, while they colluded behind the scenes to come up with a way to take down the System.

Of course, that didn't count for the time when Qin Jiu was an examinee and not an invigilator... but Qin Jiu didn't remember that anyways, so Invigilator F just let it slide for the time being.

Shu Xue asked with surprise: "Where did he go? I heard him speak earlier."

Everyone seemed a little surprised at that.

"Did he... really?" Someone asked... but got no answer.

Qin Jiu slowly wound a rope back up: "Then did you hear what he said?"

"It seems like he did." Chu Yue crossed her arms and leaned back, more excited than worried for You Huo; she knew he could handle himself perfectly well.

"I was looking at the scores so I didn't hear clearly..."

She and Wu Li's ranking had been rising steadily so there was nothing to worry about, but she was very concerned about You Huo and Qin Jiu.

"I will send you off one last time" [Global Examination]Where stories live. Discover now