[24] Guess Who I am: To Sew or Not to Sew

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Reading was more despairing than listening.

No one knew how to react.

They had managed to get by the listening portion somehow... and now they had to give out a bunch of dolls to the villagers!? Based off a bunch of descriptions in a language none of them could fucking read!?

The group all collectively gasped. Before they were able to breath out, Old Yu's cry travelled over.

"My god! Hurry and come over!"

Everyone froze.

The reading portion wasn't the only problem they had at hand... But also Liang Yuanhao's murder.

Over the span of just one night, Chen Bin and Liang Yuanhao's house was turned upside down.

There was blood everywhere in the bedroom. It was on the floor, the walls and on the bed... There were also two long stains leading all the way out the front door.

Some people wanted to retch at the sheer amount of blood that was splattered everywhere.

They had been praying that Liang Yuanhao would somehow still be alive after having his legs chopped off... but this...

There was no way he could be still alive.

But based on the blood splatters... it looked like Liang Yuanhao, in his bloody, injured state, had somehow crawled out of the house... and disappeared into this air...

When everyone rushed over, Old Yu was plastered up against the wall in the living room: "I was damned shocked by this the moment I went in! There's nowhere to stand!"

And yet... the scene was so familiar... similar to the bald man's confinement room...

"Wait, hold the fuck on!" Someone yelled in realization, "Didn't that old bald man take this exam!?"


"He could survive something like this!?"

It seemed impossible; that bald man had been as useless as the others while in the Optics examination... though to be fair, if he had been in this Romani exam and somehow passed, there was no doubt he'd be traumatized by the blood stains left behind by all his teammates, their numbers slowly dwindling down one by one...

No wonder he had been in such a rush to get out and finish the exam, panicking and forcing Shu Xue to use the ink...

He must have been carried through the Romani exam by another golden thigh... or he somehow had one of those reward cards that allowed him to skip an examination.


What were the chances of there being another golden thigh? That was impossible...

But if he had a reward card... did that mean that he was in the Casino? So he's done yet another exam before?

"Fuck... What's going on? Where are they?"

Old Yu pointed to the open bedroom door: "Should still be in bed. There's a bulge in the blanket. I called a few times but no one answered... I wanted to pull it away but I was worried about being too rash."

Everyone shuddered.

That must be Chen Bin, trying to hide from the horrors that came out at night...

That poor guy. He must be scared shitless, trapped in the house with such a gruesome mess...

Hopefully, he wouldn't completely break down like that bald man had. Chen Bin was actually a pretty friendly, decent guy, and he actually got along pretty well with the Optics group. He didn't deserve any of this crap.

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