[34] You Seem Delicious: Yu Yao

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"Which one is it this time?" An examinee asked curiously, trying to peer out of the bus's window.

"No idea. I'd say either the Casino or the one with discounts." Another replied.

When they got off the car, they stood around dumbly.

Before them was a street. There were high-rise buildings on both sides.

The high-rise buildings were a bit old, like department stores from a century ago. The shop windows were grey and dusty, and the lights in the corners formed a ring of light around them.

It was like a forgotten old city street.

"So... it the discount one." A hardliner muttered.

"You think A can make it in time for the weekly discount?" A moderate asked.

The invigilators all shared a look... and shrugged. Seeing their boss's luck so far... he'd probably end up getting kicked out of the Rest Stop like an hour or the day right before the day of the discount.

You Huo let out a small grunt. Who cared about discounts?

If he needed stuff, he was going to fucking buy it.

"This is a rest stop?" Everyone grabbed onto the driver and didn't let him get back into the car.

"Why are you grabbing me?" The driver wasn't happy. He pried off their hands: "This is a rest stop. Can't you see that hotel over there?"

The dilapidated minivan indeed stopped right before a hotel.

The hotel had the typical look most common stores had. It was located at the corner of the street and appeared completely desolated.

...Actually, it wasn't just that one. It was the same for the entire street.

"Honestly, it looks worse from the outside. It's pretty nice inside." An examinee commented, and the others murmured in agreement.

They were definitely grateful for the fully decked out Rest Stops that allowed them to recover their already failing strength.

"Rest stops can change?" Everyone was surprised.

Their surprise was a little funny, but no one laughed at them; it was rather understandable, especially since they were still pretty new to all this.

"What about the small inn? Boss Chu? We only just managed to get acquainted with her."

"Boss Chu? Chu Yue?" It may have been because of the lighting but the drivers' dark face appeared to turn a little red. He then quickly restored his expression: "You met her? She must still be in that small inn. There are five rest stops in total in the country and are often rotated."


"In the country?" Qin Jiu raised an eyebrow. Wasn't this just a China thing?

You Huo: "In the country? This examination also happens overseas?"

The driver pursed his lips.

He didn't seem to want to speak any further but, for Chu Yue's sake,

"So he doesn't recognize Invigilator A... but he does recognize Invigilator Z? By name?" Wen Yuan asked curiously.


"Well... she was being demoted... something like that would be big, even if the System tried to cover it up. The System couldn't completely cover up A's expulsion." Zhao Jiatong reasoned, "He might have learnt that Z was the former Head Invigilator then."

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