As we raced towards the airport, I sent a heartfelt message to Freen, my fingers trembling as I typed. I hoped that she would read it and choose to wait for me, giving us a chance to talk and reconcile before she made her final decision.

"Baby, I beg you, please wait for me. Just hear me out. I'm aware of the pain I've caused but please grant me the chance to explain. My heart beats for you, Freen, only you." I typed with trembling fingers, the words an agonized plea that carried the profound weight of my emotions.


Freen's POV

"Sister, could you do me a favor? Please don't inform Becky that I've been released from the hospital." I asked Irin

"But, Freen, it's important for you to talk to Becky before leaving like this," Irin replied.

With a heavy heart, I bowed my head and whispered, "I don't know if I can, Irin. It hurts so much," I responded.

Irin placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and said, "I understand, Freen. It's not easy, but sometimes, talking things through can help ease the pain and find a way forward. We're here for you."

My mother seconded Irin, adding, "Yes, Freen, your sister is right. Sometimes confronting the pain is the first step towards healing. We'll support you whatever happens."

"Irin, could you please check on the flight crew if everything is ready. I'll talk to your sister first," my mother added, taking charge of the situation.

"Mom," I sobbed, tears streaming down my face, "it hurts here," I said as I gently punched my chest, trying to convey the emotional pain I felt.

My mother's eyes welled up with sympathy as she sat beside me in the couch and pulled me into a warm embrace. She softly whispered, "I know, my dear."

"Listen, Freen," my mom said, her voice filled with empathy, "when you told me you loved Becky, I had never seen you so happy and certain. You've had many girls, but you've never claimed to love anyone the way you love her."

"Because I've never loved someone, Mom, and it hurts to know that she has someone else," I confessed, my voice tinged with sorrow and longing.

My mother hugged me tighter, her understanding and support unwavering. She said, "I can only imagine how difficult this is for you, Freen. But let me ask you, are you certain of this?"

"Did you hear it from Becky that she loves someone else?" she continued, her concern evident in her gentle tone.

"I...I did not. But, Mom..." I replied, my voice trailing off, torn between my own emotions and the uncertainty of the situation.

"No 'buts,' honey! Listen and take it from me, who's been married to your stubborn father for more than 20 years. Falling in love is easy but choosing to love despite the pain is the hardest thing there is. But you know what helps? If you know your reasons and you understand your choices. Talk to Becky, understand what happened from her perspective, then make your choice." My mother's wisdom resonated with me as she spoke

Just as my mother's words hung in the air, Irin knocked on the door and interrupted our intense conversation. "I'm sorry to interrupt," she said, "but I have the flight details and papers ready. We can depart now, that is if you want.

Just as I was about to reply to Irin, my phone chimed with a message from Becky. I pulled it out and silently read the message, my heart racing as I absorbed her words.

I remained silent and without a word, began to make my way out of the private office, heading towards the waiting plane. My mother and sister exchanged a glance before following me, understanding the weight of the emotions that had gripped me in that moment.

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