"Irin, I honestly believed that everything was resolved with Billy," I confessed, the bewilderment clear in my tone.

"I never anticipated him saying what he did earlier, which I know deeply pained Freen," I added, a sense of regret weighing heavily on my words.

The overwhelming emotions resurfaced, and tears spilled from my eyes once again, a testament to the turmoil I was enduring.

"I love your sister, Irin. I promise," I declared, tears streaming down my face, my voice filled with sincerity and the weight of my feelings for Freen.

Our conversation came to an abrupt halt when Irin's phone rang, and I noticed Freen's name on the screen. Irin swiftly pulled the car to the side of the road and answered the call on speakerphone, our hearts pounding with anticipation and hope.

Freen's voice came through the speaker, trembling and filled with sobs.

"Irin, your best friend... She doesn't love me," she stammered. "I'm just a fling on the side. He has a boyfriend."

My heart sank upon hearing her words, and Irin and I exchanged concerned glances, understanding the depth of the emotional turmoil that had led to Freen's sudden departure.

Irin's voice was filled with empathy as she replied, "Freen, we've been searching for you. Are you okay? Where are you?

"It hurts," Freen said, her voice heavy with pain, her voice trembling. "Knowing that Becky... doesn't love me is tearing me apart. Princess, plea..please help me. I beg you."

Irin's empathy deepened as she responded, "Sister, I'm here for you. We'll get through this. Just tell me where you are."

Then, a sudden loud noise echoed through the phone, like something or someone had fallen at the other end of the line. Our hearts raced, and we called out Freen's name in panic, fearing for her safety.

In a state of panic, we called out Freen's name repeatedly, our voices filled with concern. We waited anxiously, hoping for some sign of life or an explanation for the loud noise that had just occurred. The uncertainty was almost unbearable as we feared for Freen's well-being.

The call abruptly ended, leaving us in a state of distress and uncertainty. Irin quickly redialed Freen's number, but there was no answer, and we exchanged worried glances, unsure of what had just transpired. Our priority now was to locate Freen as soon as possible, fearing for her safety and well-being.


Irin's POV

"Princess, plea..please help me" My sister's desperate plea echoed in my head, intertwined with the haunting noise that had accompanied it. The urgency of the situation was crystal clear, and the thought of my sister needing me filled me with determination. We needed to find Freen as swiftly as possible, no matter the obstacles in our path.

Tears streamed down my face. "Beck, Freen is hurt. She's never asked for help like this before, but now she's begging me," I declared, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on my heart.

Becky replied with a heavy heart, "I... I understand. I'm sorry, Irin. I blame myself for this. I'm so sorry."

Her words carried a deep sense of regret, acknowledging her responsibility in the unfolding situation. The conflict within me intensified as I grappled with the painful divide between Freen and Becky, my beloved sister, and my dearest friend.

Becky's phone buzzed, breaking the tense silence. With a sense of urgency, she announced, "Richie found Freen. Here's the address. He'll meet us there."

Relief washed over us as we realized that Richie's efforts had led to a breakthrough in our search for Freen. With the address in hand, we wasted no time and set out to reunite with her and begin the process of healing and reconciliation.

As we neared the destination, our anxiety grew. We knew that there would be many emotions to navigate.

Before we stepped out of the car, I reached for Becky's hand and spoke with heartfelt sincerity, "I love both you and Freen, Beck. You are my sisters, whether by blood or not. Please, let's clear this out. It pains me to see you both hurting.

"If your love for her is true, prove it, and never give up. But if your heart is elsewhere, be honest with her. It will be painful, but it will set her free. Let her go."

My words were a plea, a reflection of the emotional turbulence that had enveloped us.

Becky gazed into my eyes, her own filled with a whirlwind of emotions. She drew a deep, shuddering breath and replied with unwavering resolve, "I love Freen, and I can't let her go. I'll prove it to her, to you, no matter what it takes."

Her words resonated with a profound determination, and in that moment, the intensity of her commitment to Freen was unmistakable.

We entered the bar, our eyes scanning the dimly lit interior for any sign of Freen. The atmosphere was heavy with the hushed conversations of the patrons, and the faint hum of background music provided a backdrop to our search.

My heart sank as I saw Freen, her state of drunkenness and the visible wound on her head adding to the distressing scene. The urgency of the situation was even more pronounced now, and we approached her with a mixture of care and concern.

"Freen, it's okay. I'm here. Your princess is here," I reassured her, my voice filled with compassion.

"We already dialed for medical assistance" the bar tender declared.

This moment was a turning point, and our priority was to ensure Freen's well-being and start the process of healing and reconciliation, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

Becky moved closer to Freen, her eyes brimming with a mix of worry and tenderness. She reached out, her hand trembling, and gently touched Freen's shoulder.

In a voice quivering with emotion, she whispered, "Baby, I'm so sorry... I'm here for you. Please, be okay."

The vulnerability in Becky's words was palpable, and the complexity of their relationship was evident in this raw moment of apology and care.

Freen made a feeble attempt to open her eyes, but the effects of the alcohol seemed to have a strong grip on her. Her struggle to regain consciousness added another layer of concern to the situation, and we anxiously awaited the arrival of medical professionals who could provide the necessary care and assessment.

Moments later, Richie emerged from the crowd, his face reflecting a blend of relief and deep concern.

Freen's futile struggle to stay conscious came to an end just as the medical team arrived at the scene. They immediately went to work, assessing her condition and providing the necessary care.

The medical team, after their initial assessment, made the announcement that they would be transporting Freen to the hospital for further care. They also requested for someone to accompany her in the ambulance.

Without hesitation, Becky stepped forward, her commitment to Freen evident as she declared, "I'll go with her. I need to be there for her."

With the decision made, Freen was carefully prepared for transport, and Becky accompanied her as they headed to the hospital.

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