Start from the beginning

-Shut up. Well, I'll go to my place to shower and change clothes and I can meet you guys here later. 

-Actually, sis, I was wondering if Pierre could stay with you, Charlotte's coming over too and I feel bad for someone to sleep on the couch. 

-Yeah, no problem, shall we? 

-I could stay with her. -Carlos said. -I'll give my room to Pierre, I don't mind.

-Jeez, Carlos, thanks.

-I mean...-you sighed, you didn't know if Carlos should stay with you but it could be a test and you were going to let Lando know everything. -Okay, whatever, then come with me, Carlos.

-Let me just grab some of my stuff. -he went into his room.

-So why didn't you tell me Pierre was joining us? 

-He didn't confirm anything until this morning.

-Sorry about that. -Pierre giggled. -Are you going to be okay with Carlos? 

-Of course, we're friends now, we need to catch up though.

-Let's grab some coffee later, just you and me.

-You and her what? -Carlos said with a bad in his hand.

-We're going to get coffee later today.

-Are we all invited?

-Carlos, stop. -you said.

-No, just me and her, we need to catch up, you know, we're friends, that's what friends do.

-Okay, let's go now. -you walked to the door. -I'll meet you here later, I'll text you. -you and Carlos got out of the apartment and got into your car.

-What was that? -you started the car.

-What? Nothing.

-That's exactly what shouldn't happen, we're friends, you don't get to be jealous and fight with Pierre.

-Oh get over yourself, I don't like the guy, that's all. -he put his seat belt on, your phone started ringing, it was connected to the bluetooth.

-Hi babe. -Lando said, you looked askance at Carlos.

-Hello, baby! How are you?

-I'm fine, just missing you, when are you coming to Hungary?

-I think we'll fly there tonight or tomorrow morning.

-We're flying there at dawn. -Carlos said.

-Oh, was that Carlos?

-Yeah, hi mate. -he said, you started to feel nervous.

-Hello, Carlos, what are you all doing?

-We're headed to my place, Pierre just got to my brother's apartment and we're meeting them later.

-Well, call me when you get home, please. -he said dryly.

-Fuck. -you said and hit the steering wheel.

-What's wrong?

-Why did you have to talk? 

-Were you going to hide me? We're friends, we're not doing anything bad, Y/n.

-I know but...I know Lando doesn't trust me, trust us together.

-I get it but he should not worry, we won't do anything, right?

You parked your car and got out of the car, you opened the door and got in, Carlos closed it and placed his bag on the floor.

-I'm going to grab the inflatable mattress, you can put your things in the guest room. -you went to your room and opened your closet, you saw the box and took it, you went to the other room.

-Let me help you. -he took it out of the box and spread it out and plugged it in to inflate it. -I think it isn't working.

-Yeah I can see that. -you put your hand on the back of your neck. -Okay, we won't say anything to anyone, you'll sleep with me in my bed.

-Don't worry, I'll put the pillow barrier. 

-Okay, good, I'll take a shower. -you went to your bathroom and called Lando.

-Lando, hi.

-What are you doing with Carlos? 

-He's staying over since Pierre and Charlotte are staying with my brother.

-That's weird, I don't know if I prefer Carlos or Pierre staying with you.

-They're my friends, please trust me.

-I'm trying to...anyway, I'll see you tomorrow.

-Fine. -you were annoyed, you get that Lando doesn't trust you but you wouldn't do anything to hurt him again.

You showered and put on your pajamas, you dried your hair and got out of your room, you saw Carlos sitting on the couch.

-Hey, I think I won't do anything later with Pierre, I want to rest before we go.

-That's fine. -he smiled.

-I'm going to lay down, are you going to be okay?

-Don't worry, have some rest.


since f1 season is over, here's a chapter for you to enjoy ! 

so there's some drama with lando???? and carlos staying at her place???? omg 

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