chapter 18 : dinners under the table

Start from the beginning

While scrutinizing her reflection in the mirror, Vinnie reentered the room dressed in a suit and inquired, "Are you ready?" Y/n nodded, simultaneously reaching into his dresser for something.

"Yeah, how do I look?" she asked, turning to face him. Vinnie smiled and nodded appreciatively.

"Beautiful," he remarked, but the compliment was interrupted as he popped something into his mouth. Their lips met in a kiss, and Y/n, feeling a foreign sensation on her tongue, realized Vinnie had transferred a pill to her during the intoxicating embrace. Surprisingly, she didn't resist, allowing the substance to mix with hers in their shared moment.

Breaking the kiss, Vinnie affectionately kissed her forehead before leaving the room once more. Y/n turned back to the mirror, a genuine smile gracing her face as she felt surprisingly content with her appearance for the first time in a while. Grabbing her bag, she descended the stairs with Vinnie's parents, discreetly stashing a cigarette in her bra for later.

Once she had made it downstairs, Vinnie's dad; Stephen was standing at the door getting the inner of his sleeves almost perfect. "You're ready, Chloe was about to send him back up to get you," 

Holding her hands out in front of her, "Yeah, sorry I was finishing up". The silence on the other end had caused her to doubt herself biting the bottom of her lip. It felt like almost everything inside of the walls was watching her. 

The room's tension had almost eaten her up, once Vinnie walked into the room with his mother. He grabbed onto her arm, and almost pushed her out of the house causing her to stumble over her feet a little bit. "Oh, wow" She muttered into the wind once the cold air had hurt her because of the fact that, they were quickly outside. "Everything okay?" 

"Yea," Vinnie nodded his head kissing the top of her head distracting her from the truth around her. "We're going to meet them there." Y/n bit the bottom of her lip a little confused about what was happening. 

Going off she had followed him into the car, getting on the opposite side of him. Getting inside of the car almost made her head spin at the pressure of it all. On the car ride towards Logan's house, she had winded up taking a nap as it felt like she was going to throw up because of the motion going on. 

She held it for a second before she winded up getting out of the car, it had been a good twenty minutes apart from Vinnie's house. Getting out of the car, she made her way towards the doorstep holding onto Vinnie's hand and knocking on the door of the parents she would always be familiar with. 

The door had opened after three minutes of standing out in the cold. "Y/n!" Logan's mom; Charlette had celebrated by widening her arms and dragging the girl into a hug. Y/n took a second to hug her back as it felt like her touch brought the heat of fire to the young girl's skin. 

But she hugged her back thinking if she didn't then, maybe Charlette would think that Y/n didn't like her anymore. She held onto women for a couple more seconds, counting them step by step inside of her head before finally letting go. "Oh! You look lovely, so alive." 

Smiling brightly, she flashed her white teeth towards the women. "I feel lovely," Y/n lied to her, biting the bottom of her lip softly. From the corner of her eye, she had winded up seeing Logan there standing with his hands in his pocket and almost examining her noticing that something wasn't right. That's what she felt like, he knew that she was on a bunch of different drugs right now. 

Holding onto her hand she had acted like he wasn't in her view at all before Charlette had brought her out of the train of thought. "This must be" 

"Vinnie, nice to meet you" Vinnie had put his hand out shaking the woman's hand. "My parents should be right behind us." He mentioned, with Y/n looking over at him almost confused about how he was so normal right now. 

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