"Nothing happened with Luke, and nothing happened with Sirius. We're just getting to know each other."

"Hasn't he been doing that for the past year." Lily snickered.

She sighed and pushed her off from Remus so she could look at both of them properly. "Fine, you want to know the truth?"

"Finally, the good stuff." Lily rubbed her hands together while Remus scowled.

"I like Sirius, I really like him, but I don't trust him anymore. Not after..." She took in a deep breath. "I went to talk to him because I saw how your friendship with him was still strained, and because honestly, I just missed him. He said he was sorry, and he would do anything to make me trust him again."

"What made you decide to give him another chance?" Lily asked.

"Uhm - I -"

"He told you he loved you. That he's in love with you."

Izzie looked wide-eyed at Remus, her mouth slightly open and a blush on her cheeks. Lily looked like she was about to burst.

"How di-"

"I know Sirius. He didn't have to tell me for me to know and I knew he had to have said something drastic to make you give him another chance."

"Oh." She gasped softly. "Yeah, he said that, and he said he wanted to court me-" Remus snorted and Lily giggled. "My reaction too." She chuckled. "But he wants to court me to let me see how serious he is. And I get to decide the pace of our... relationship."

"So, you and Sirius." Remus said with a frown. "You're together."

"Not really, we just started talking again before school ended and it will depend on if I'll be able to trust him again."

"I can't believe Sirius kept that to himself. He must have been ready to burst." Lily laughed.

They talked into well in the evening and Lily's parents invited him to stay the night in the guest bedroom. But he didn't use it, he and Izzie fell asleep in each other's arms on the couch, the first night in weeks, she didn't need the sleeping draught. Lily went to her bedroom with a soft smile as he looked at the sleeping pair.

Izzie's stomach was clenching together as her eyes flittered to the grandfather clock. Sirius and James were really cutting it close. She only had a few minutes before she had to leave. She tried not to show how nervous and excited she was for seeing them again, seeing him again. Lily was talking to her parents, but her eyes kept flickering towards the door. Remus was pacing in front of her, agitated. When the pointer moved again, she stood up from the couch and walked over to Lily and her folks.

"I should be going. Thanks for everything." She hugged Mrs Evans first before moving on to Mr Evans.

"No problem, dear." Mrs Evans smiled. "And remember you're welcome here anytime."

"No matter what day, or what hour."

"I appreciate it." She smiled before turning to Lily.

Lily engulfed her in a tight hug, making it hard for her to breathe. "Izzie-"

"I know, but I can't wait any longer. I'll see you soon."

"Be careful."

She gave her a strained smile before walking over to Remus who was standing at the door. Remus had already opened the front door to see if they had arrived already. Remus gathered her up in his arms, a hug so tight it lifted her up from the ground.

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