28 - A proper kiss

Comincia dall'inizio

As we approached the school, the feeling of unease continued to gnaw at me, compelling me to address the issue before parting ways. I gently said, "Freen, I can tell something's bothering you, and I want to be here for you. Can we talk about it after my class this morning? I'm free after that, my next class is still at two in the afternoon. Plus, you only have one class for the day, right?"

"If that's what you want," she replied, her tone remains to be cold.

Her cold response left me feeling somewhat disheartened, but I knew that we would need to communicate and work through the issue later. With a sigh, I exited the car and headed to my class, determined to keep my promise and be there for her when she was ready to talk.

During class, I did my best to stay attentive to the lectures and engage with the coursework, but my thoughts frequently wandered back to the situation with Freen. I couldn't help but wonder what had caused this sudden tension between us, and it was difficult to concentrate fully on my studies.

As the minutes ticked by, I eagerly anticipated the end of the class. When the class finally concluded, I gathered my belongings and made my way back to the student hall where our gang usually standby.

As I walked to the student hall, I pulled out my phone to check for any updates. To my surprise, I discovered unexpected messages from Freen.

As I quickly unlocked my phone, my curiosity was piqued by the unexpected messages from Freen. However, as I started to read through them, I was taken aback by the content.

"Why would you choose him over me?"

"Does he love you more than I could?"

"Was it because he has a nicer car?"

"I could get the same car as his, or maybe an even better one."

These were just a few of the messages, and some were entirely out of context.

My mind instantly flashed with the image of the Sunflower. Does she know? I asked myself.

But when I read her messages again, some would really be out of context even if she does know. What car is she talking about?

With a sense of bewilderment, I decided that it was best to wait until our face-to-face conversation later in the day to clarify the meaning behind her messages and to understand the source of her concerns more clearly.

I arrived at the study hall, scanning the area for Freen among our gang's usual spot, but Freen was nowhere to be found. I asked a few friends if they had seen her, but none had any information about her whereabouts.

As I waited for her, a mix of concern and curiosity about our current situation. I was just about to call her when Saint exclaimed, "There's your girlfriend, Beck!" and pointed towards the entrance of the hall.

I followed Saint's gesture and my gaze landed on Freen, who was indeed entering the hall, but to my surprise, she was accompanied by another girl. A rush of mixed emotions washed over me, as I was taken aback by the unexpected sight. I couldn't help but wonder who this girl was and what had led to their sudden companionship.

As Freen and the other girl approached our group, I couldn't ignore the twinge of jealousy that prickled at the edges of my thoughts. I had hoped for a private, honest conversation with Freen, but now it seemed that the presence of this new girl might complicate things.

I greeted Freen with a forced smile, trying to hide my discomfort. "Hey, Babe. Who's your friend?"

Freen introduced her as "Mind, a classmate," and I noticed a friendly and amiable demeanor about her. The tension in the air began to ease as the conversation unfolded, and I tried to push aside my earlier concerns.

The beginning of foreverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora