Chapter Forty-Six: No Rest For The Weary...

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The White House Front Lawn | Arnold, District of Columbia
Sunday, November 9, 2025 | 10:55 EDT

We all stand on the White House lawn, me with my family, and everybody else, and President Wilson stands on the steps in front of us. Smiling, he tells us, "There's no way we could possibly thank any of you for what you've done. You've given us back our world. I've already ordered the National Guard to support local law enforcement teams. We're rounding up the bad guys, everywhere."

But then I notice Diana look to her left, and I look as well, to see J'onn and the First Daughter in the rose garden together, holding each other's hands and looking into each other's eyes. And I tune into their conversation.

"I don't want you to go," says Rose.

"I don't want to go, either, but I don't belong here," replies J'onn, turning his head slightly away from Rose.

Diana walks toward the two of them as Rose continues.

"You could," says Rose, touching her right hand to the left side of his face and having him look back at her. "You could belong here, with me."

"Pardon me," says Diana, inserting herself into their (supposed to be) private conversation, "but J'onn, would you please stop acting like an idiot?"

"... W-what...?" asks a dumbfounded J'onn.

"This is the very thing we fight for," replies Diana. "If you love her: Stay."

I walk over to them, as well, and say, "I'm gonna have to agree with her, J'onn. All I've ever wanted for you, since you told us about what happened to you on Mars, was to find someone to love. To share that special connection with. Now you have. And even you said it, yourself: The last time you ever felt what you told me you felt toward Rose was back before the Invasion of Mars, when your wife was still alive. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. Think about it."

He looks at Rose, contemplates what Diana and I said to him for a moment, and then says, "I've already lost one home. I made a promise to myself, and to my friends--my family--to protect my new one."

"Then this is goodbye," says Rose, but then her father walks up next to me from behind, and everyone else follows closely.

"Maybe not," President Wilson says.

"What do you mean, Dad?" she asks him.

"Do you love this man?" he asks in response.

"I really do, Daddy."

"And do you love my daughter, Mr. J'onzz?"

"With everything I am, Mr. President," J'onn replies.

"Then Rose, I am giving you my blessing to be with him," the President says. "You've been miserable here. You've lost a lot in your young life to my job. You lost time with me when I was in the Army, and then during my time campaigning for the presidency, and then you lost your mother after I became President, when Ultraman killed her for speaking out against him. Come to think of it, even though it was never my intention, I've taken so much from you in such a short time, so I'd say it's high-time I give you something back. Your life is not here. It may have been, at one time, but it's not, anymore. Our lives have taken different paths. Mine is here, as the President of the United States, doing my best to try and rebuild this nation from the ground up, as well as helping the other nations of the world out where we can. Yours is living your life with the man you love, happy and content with your life."

"What about you, Dad?" asks Rose. "I don't want to leave you in the lurch..."

"I'll be fine, honey," says President Wilson, hugging his daughter. "Don't worry about me. The big threat is virtually gone. The small threats are manageable. And with Mr. Luthor and his team, here, we should be able to handle whatever else gets thrown our way, if such a thing should happen."

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