Chapter Thirty-Four: Aurora And The Gorovirus

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Wayne Manor | Gotham City, New Jersey
Tuesday, December 24, 2019 | 21:14 EDT

Another year, another Christmas. After Lois and I published the story of Bruce and Selina's wedding, and the two newlyweds got back from their two-week honeymoon, Bridgette came up to Metropolis to visit us for Thanksgiving, and then for Christmas break. And per usual, Bruce is hosting a Christmas Eve party at his house, so that's where we are, now. It's a formal affair, so we're all in black-tie.

Now, in terms of how Selina's doing with little Aurora, she's due to pop, literally any day, now. When she does pop, as both Damien and Aurora's godparents, Lois and I will be right there. Although, if Aurora takes any longer, Selina is going to artificially induce her daughter's birth, if you know what I mean... Even said so, herself.

So we're here now, and Lois and I are talking to Commisioner Gordon, and he's telling us how he appreciates what Bruce, Selina, and the others are doing for the city (both in and out of uniform), but how Gotham could always use Superman and Ultrawoman, when Lois and I get the alert from Bruce over the comms: "Clark, Lois: It's time."

"Oh, my God," says Lois, "now?!"

"Yes!" Bruce whisper-shouts.

"On it," say Barry and Iris.

"Oh, man," says Selina, "and this dress was a Vera Wang, too..."

"Now, it's my turn: Shut up and breathe, Selina," says Bruce, expediently carrying her to the Lambo. "Remember those lamaze classes you dragged me to."

And Bruce starts breathing the way the instructors taught them, an action which Selina then mimicks. Then, so that a human could just barely hear me, I say into the comms, "All Leaguers in this building rendevous at Gotham City General, the Thomas & Martha Wayne Maternity Ward. This is not a drill. I repeat: This is not a drill. The dam has burst, and there is work to be done."

And I turn to the good Commissioner and say, "Well, Jim, we gotta go. Lois and I are gonna be godparents!"

Gotham City General Hospital | Gotham City, New Jersey
Wednesday, December 25, 2019 | 00:19 EDT

Lois and I, Diana, Dick, and Kori are in the delivery room with Bruce and Selina as everyone else waits outside, and we watch as Selina pushes Aurora out so hard that the baby and the placenta both come out in one go. Unfortunately, as a result of that mega-push, something's wrong with Selina's vitals. Lois' smile quickly disappears as Aurora's umbilical cord is cut, and my wife looks at me, extremely worried.

"Clark, something's wrong with Selina," says Lois, holding onto my left arm.

"This... is... the greatest day... of my life..." Selina says to Bruce as the doctors go to clean off Aurora, and Selina's completely out-of-breath and sweating beads.

"Barry," I call over the comms, "get in here, now!"

"What is it?" he asks, speeding in here, alarmed.

"Selina's about to crash, Barry," says Lois. "Can you shock her?"

"Yeah," he says, "if I vibrate my hands and rub them together, it should generate a sufficient enough electrical current to--"

And he's interrupted by the sound of the monitor flatlining, and as Selina's heart stops completely and she falls limp, Lois says, "Less explaining, more executing! Bruce, Dick, Kori, move! Barry, shock her!"

They all move out of the way, and Barry, as he rubs his vibrating hands together, says, "Clear!" and shocks Selina to try to restart her heart.

It doesn't work, so Bruce says, "Shock her, again, Barry!"

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