Chapter Forty-Four: The Quantum Eigenstate Device

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Ultraman's Headquarters | Metropolis, New York
Friday, November 7, 2025 | 11:42 EDT

We take a last stab at the Syndicate's operations, just for good measure, and I go with Alternate Lex to Ultraman's H.Q. to call him out.

As we hover outside Ultraman's sliding glass penthouse balcony doors, Alternate Lex boldly calls out: "Ultraman! I know you can hear me! Bring your arrogant ass out here, or we'll come in and drag you out!"

Then a big, burly, carrot-top, Incredible Hulk-looking oaf of a man with tan skin, a tight, white, short-sleeved, button-down shirt with a red bow tie, and tight, dark green pants with suspenders, slides the glass doors open and steps out, trying to appear imposing and threatening.

"I'm not looking for the hired help, Olsen," says Alternate Lex, apparently talking to this universe's version of Jimmy. "I want your boss."

"He ain't here," Evil Jimmy bitterly spits out. "If you want an appointment, you can call his secretary. Clear our airspace."

"Make me..." challenges Lex.

Then Evil Jimmy smirks and says, cracking his knuckles and neck, "I can do that..."

As Evil Jimmy floats up to meet us, Alternate Lex turns to me and says, "You take care of Ultraman's pal. I got the big guy."

Then he turns back around just as Evil Jimmy lets out a battle cry and tries to land a punch square in the middle of Lex's face. But I swiftly block the left-handed strike with my right hand, and say, "I'd really rather not have to hurt ya, Jimmy."

Then, as Lex moves aside, I toss Evil Jimmy's fist away, and I get behind him and put him in an unbreakable hold, which binds his left arm in front of him, and at the same time prevents him from completely lowering his right arm. This universe's version of Jimmy may be strong, but by no means is he even a quarter way as strong as me. He's not getting out of this hold.

Lex takes this opportunity to turn on Evil Jimmy's signal watch, which is far from dissimilar to the signal watch I gave my universe's Jimmy, and we wait.

Not a second later, we hear what sounds like a distant sonic boom, which has got to mean that Ultraman's on his way. So I take the opportunity to give Lex one final chance to bow out.

"You sure you wanna do this?" I ask him. "I can take him."

"If it's going to mean anything after you're gone," Lex explains to me, "it has to be me."

Ultraman swiftly nears us, shattering every window alongside his flight path, and he gives me this simple demand: "Get your hands off my boy."

But Lex's hands start brilliantly shining gold, and as he clenches his hands into fists, Lex tells him, "Pal, you've got problems of your own..."

And Lex swiftly and suddenly charges at Ultraman, who lets him begin whaling on him. Then Ultraman moves out of the way, Lex misses his next punch, and Ultraman smirks and says, "Gettin' cocky, Lex?"

Then Lex throws two more punches, the first of which Ultraman dodges, and the second of which Ultraman blocks and catches, which gives him the opportunity to lay a big one on Lex's face. If not for the invisible Green Lantern-esque force field Lex has erected around himself, that strike would've likely put him completely out of commision, if not killed him.

Ultraman's smirk, which then suddenly turns into a scowl, preludes him saying, "You think you can come to my place of business and call me out?!"

And he lands another solid hit on Lex, which sends Lex crashing through the roof of a forty-story building, and sprawling onto that of the twenty-story building directly behind it, and he crash-lands on his back, hard.

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