Chapter Thirty-Eight: Watching The Twins Grow Up, Part Three

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L-Corp Industries | Metropolis, New York
Tuesday, August 5, 2025 | 16:36 EDT

When the twins' classes end for the day, we go to pick them and Aurora up, and we ditch the car at home. The twins have finished their training and studies in the ATR, apparently, and (according to Karen, Mom, Aunt Allura, and Uncle Zor, unanimously,) they have gained fine control over their powers and can read, write, speak, and understand all dialects of written and verbal Kryptonian.

So, with Kara and Jimmy volunteering to babysit Aurora, we (Lois, myself, Jon, and Elli) all go to L-Corp as a family, so that Lena can meet the twins as a show of good faith on our part. I just hope we're not interrupting her.

When we get there, she's doing some paperwork, and as her outside light has suddenly been blocked, she notices this, turns around, smiles, opens the window, and gestures for us all to come in.

When we land, she closes the window and says, "Clark, Lois, wow. When you said, 'rain-check', I didn't think you'd actually be back the very next day. And who are these two cutie pies?"

"These are our twins," says Lois, "Jon-El, and Elli Kal-El. Twins, say hello to señorita Luthor."

"Hello, Ms. Luthor," says Jon, extending his hand for the heiress to shake. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine," says Lena, shaking my son's hand.

"Hello!" says Elli, almost tackling Lena off her feet in a hug.

"Whoa! Hello, there," laughs Lena.

"You're just as pretty as Mom said you were!" gushes my daughter as she sets Lena down and steps back.

"Why, thank you," says Lena, smiling at first Elli, and then my wife, who returns Lena's grin and nods. "That means a lot coming from you."

"I hope we aren't interrupting whatever you were doing," I say. "Because if we are, we can come back, later."

"No! No, please stay. You're saving me from a mountain of paperwork at the moment. Would you care for some of that tea I offered you, yesterday?"

"Sure," says Lois.

And then I pipe back up. "However, I'm sorry to say, this isn't strictly a social call, I'm afraid."

"What's wrong?" she asks, concerned.

"Your brother has broken out of Belle Reve, and his whereabouts remain unknown. Now, has he contacted you, recently?"

Lena's eyes get wide, and she instantly breaks out into a cold sweat, as all of the color drains from her already fairly pale face, starkly contrasting her black eyeliner, dark blood red lipstick, and ebony wood-colored hair, and her cardio-respiratory rate instantly increases to twice that which it was.

Which tells me that she didn't know.

"My God, no..." she breathes out very shakily after gulping audibly. "That prison was supposed to be an impenetrable fortress! How did he get out?!"

"The details of that are still unclear, but--"

And I'm cut off by her phone ringing.

"Answer it," I say.

She complies, and Lois and I tell the kids to be quiet and listen to who's on the other end.

"Hello?" she attempts to answer as steadily as she can.

"Conspiring with the enemy, are we? I'm deeply disappointed in you, little sister," says Lex.

"Lex?" she says, making no further attempt to hide her obvious fear. "Please, just turn yourself in, and make things easier on yourself."

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