Chapter Thirteen: The Trial Of Kal, Son Of El

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Krypton Explosion Site | LHS 2520 Star System, Milky Way Galaxy
Saturday, July 18, 3018 | 16:06 EDT

Well, I've gone and done it, now. I've pissed off Rao. RAO. I'll be lucky to come away from this with my life.

When Rao transports Bruce, Diana, and Cyra next to me, Bruce says, "What did you do, now? What, it wasn't enough to drag us a millenium into the future, you then had to go and drag us more than... how many light years clear across the galaxy, too?"

"Shut up, Bruce," says Diana. "What's going on, Kal-El? The last thing we heard before you disappeared was some ethereal voice accusing you of murder. And then, we're here."

"I'm on trial for killing General Zod and Drax-Zod," I say, sweating like my name is Niagra Falls.

"On whose authority?" incredulously asks Cyra.

"His," I say, shakily pointing at the sun-god.

The three heroes look in the direction my shaking finger is pointing in, and the inspector asks me, "Is that who the hell I think it is?!"

"Why?" asks Bruce. "Who is it?"

"It's Rao, jerkface," responds Cyra, "The Kryptonian sun-god."

"Rao actually exists?" asks my dark friend. "I thought he was just an ideal."

"Oh, he's very real," I say, still shaking, "and also very incensed. At me."

Then I gather myself, and continue. "According to the Laws of Rao that were in place before Krypton's detonation, I'm entitled to legal representation in the sight of Rao, my accuser or accusers, and witnesses."

"So, then, where is your accuser, and where are all the witnesses?" asks Cyra.

"Rao is my accuser," I say, "and there are no witnesses, as of yet."

Then Cyra says, "There's something fishy going on, here, and I really don't like it. Ring, give me all knowledge of Kryptonian laws before the planet's explosion."

And after a few moments, she says, "Ring, transmit what I now know to Batman and Wonder Woman."

And two tendrils of pulsating green light snake out and stretch from Cyra's ring and into Bruce and Diana's heads. When the tendrils disappear, Diana says, "We are ready."

"So all we need to do to acquit you," says Cyra, "is to give Rao one uber-convincing reason not to kill you, right?"

"That's right," I say.

"Then, Rao," says Cyra as boldly as your average Green Lantern, "we call everyone in this century wearing this ring as witnesses on the El-son's behalf." And she holds up the hand wearing the Legion Flight Ring she was given.

"So let it be done," says Rao.

Not one moment after Rao speaks, every single Legionnaire, Reserve Legionnaire, and Graduated Legion Cadet is instantly transported to our location, including my pregnant wife, my cousin, and my and my cousin's clones, and my family and the Legion Founders make their way to us.

"Superman," says Cosmic Boy, "do I even need to ask what the hell's going on, here?"

"Yeah, baby," says Lois, "what's going on? And do we need to open up a can of whoop-ass on whatever this is?"

And Lois points at Rao as she speaks. But I respond, "The long and short of it: I'm on trial for killing General Zod and his son, Drax; my accuser, jury, judge, and executioner is Rao, our people's god; Bruce, Diana, and Cyra are acting on my behalf as my defense counsel; and the way things are looking for me, right now? It's looking like I'm on the brink of crossing over into oblivion. And I would not recommend trying to open up any cans of whoop-ass on Rao. He comes from legend, he's a god, and he can kill you just by thinking at you."

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